She's Dreaming

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Title: She's Dreaming
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Genderbender
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

White, everything that surrounded me is white just like my favorite color and not sure that it has an end, I think there wasn't. I continue to walk and halted when I saw on his back facing me, he had a broad shoulder, ash grey hair, a masculine built even in a small frame but taller than me, he had a pair of onyx brown orbs and he's smirking at me I felt my body has a mind on its own when I slowly approaching, it's inviting that I let myself touch by him as I stood infront of him. He possessed coldness rubbing my reddened cheeks using his palm yet it feels warm against my skin,  he gently kisses my forehead, eyes, pointed nose down through the corner of my lips, I shivered but I didn't protest nor step aback when he did it shamelessly.  I kept immobilized but sweat starting to form, he smirked against my now swollen lips because he kept on abusing them using his own.

"You taste good." The grey-haired boy said to me casually as he pulled out my swollen lips from him. I couldn't believe he stole my precious first kiss just like that but I admitted it was wonderful and now I'm being dragged by him somewhere, I just realized I'm wearing a white dress cuts above my knee like an evening gown. We suddenly run through a forest passing huge trees as I saw him smiling back at me, he's handsome so I smiled back at her and let him do anything with me.

As we reached the dark forest, we're now walking at the seashore, waves hits our foot leaving footprints in the sand. He never let go of my hand, as we were walking from one place to another just like in a dream. My body only followed his lead, he treats me lovingly like a princess, feeling the tiredness within our body he decided to rest under the shade of tree as the sunshines above, I hate it but I have no choice but settled myself beside him, how could I stay sane when we almost walking for more than an hour and didn't felt thirst at all.

"I like it here." I muttered under my breath and now he looks at me with a huge curves of his lips I taste awhile ago. 

"I'll let you live here together with me if you wanted to? You should only say yes to my offer and I will grant it." He respond tucking the hair covering half of my face behind my ears.

"Can you grant it? I hate living into the world I used to live, I only felt I unwanted staying there and they also abusing me physically, I hated the pain every single day and living here at least will help me smile again just like before my parents passed away but after that unfateful days I was cold and numb like a deadman walking but still breathing literally, no one would miss me and find me, I'm all alone." I confessed as my tears fell into his hand, he caresses my face and leaned in for a kiss in my lips, trying to brushed off the pain I'm feeling inside. 

"Don't worry you will be living here with from now on, I promise." The grey-haired man assured me.

"What's your name milady?" He asked finally.

"Sooyeon. Jung Sooyeon." I answered before I fully captured his lips as my gratitude towards his kindness, I finally felt breathing that someone could make me feel loved again.

"I'm Taeyeon, the dream catcher."


On the real world....

"I couldn't believe she died young just like that." A fat lady wearing a black tight dress said to another lady beside her, they're obviously gossiping rather than giving prayers to the dead since they're at someone's funeral.

"Are you alright, Tiffany?" Sooyoung asked the girl who's standing infront of Sooyeon's coffin.

"I'm sure she's taken by a dream catcher, I see it on my dreams." The Tiffany girl firmly said trying to convince the tall dark handsome man on his black suit.

"You and you're dreams, let's pray for Sooyeon's peace instead, c'mon now. In just an hour, she will be buried six feet under the ground, we could do nothing but a tacit pray for our friend who suffers abuse, thankfully her uncle turned into the jail proving he's committing crime against her so she gained justice but unfortunately she died, poor Sooyeon." Sooyoung sighed and pulled his wife away from their friend's coffin.

"I told you it's the dream catcher just believe me this time, Soo. Before I also captured by him but couldn't recognize his face and he once asked me to stay with him but I refuse his offer when I'm in a coma 5 years ago." Tiffany barks caught people's attention so she was forcefully dragged by her husband out of the scene.

"Sure let's go." Sooyoung scoffed.


"What do you feel Sooyeon?" The dream catcher asked the girl sitting peacefully beside him as she was humming to a random song, she titled her head and looks at him.

"I felt freedom finally, thank you Taengoo!" Sooyeon cheered as she stood up spreading her arms against the summer breeze gently hitting her bare skin.

"You're welcome, Sooyeon but I'm more grateful you stayed by my side forever." Taeyeon followed her action, they both savoring the breeze against their skin as they stood on the top of the mountain into Taeyeon's own dream and now Sooyeon too.

"C'mon, I wanted to visit someone else dream after 5 years ago, I never had the chance to visit her at least, I introduce you to her." Taeyeon offered as he grabbed her wrist to followed him and she obeyed.

"Sure Taengoo!" Sooyeon excitedly let herself dragged by him again because it shows another journey for both of them, showing into each person's dream.

The end.

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