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Title: Y (Song By Lovelyz Kei)
Genre: Genderbender, Romance, Fluff
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Bright winter day where all over Seoul city and few people were walking at the park, Taeyeon was holding two ice cream on his hands as he walked passed by the playground, curves placed from his gentle face watching a beautiful view in front of him as he looked straight to where his wife fixing their little son and daughter's scarf on their neck, both kids were squealing in happiness when they saw their father with ice creams from his hand, Jessica let the kids run towards him almost jumping into his body but caught them well before they landed on the ground keeping their balance, a kiss on his cheeks from his precious children before they left him to play with other kids on the park.

"Seems you're getting older, gramps." Jessica teases her husband while she's helping him to stood on his feet made a pout on his lips before he let her guided to the nearby bench underneath the winter trees that their eyes were able to watched their children playing not too far from them.

"Am I getting older now? Maybe I should get some exercise from my wife starting tonight, right?" Taeyeon asked with his pouting lips showing his cuteness into his wife who really hates aegyo since then.

"You're pervertness still working everywhere and anywhere." Jessica huffed as soon as she get what he was trying to say and that means she has to stay up late since their never done it for almost a few months now since Taeyeon was rather busy and didn't have enough time to get home early.

"My offer still the good ones for both of us and we let the kids play until they both felt tired." Taeyeon wiggles his brows into his wife while holding her shoulder to embrace her.

"Oh, god such a byuntae." Jessica rolled her eyes but still letting her husband went clingy into her since she's been longing them for awhile.

"Mommy! Daddy!" The two kids running towards their parents with a huge smile from their face.

"Hey! Are you both having fun?" Taeyeon asked his daughter who clings into his arms while sitting on his lap, the little girl was fond of her father and she loves him so much rather than Jessica.

"Unnie is being rude to other kids back there so I grab her and we both runaway." Jisoo cutely answered as he clings towards his mother, he's fond of Jessica on the other hand.

"What did I say about picking a fight?" Taeyeon sternly said as he eyed both of his children who keep their heads low avoiding his intense yet scary gaze.

"It's bad." The kids said in unison making both parents smiled in awe.

"So no more next time and this is the last time I've been hearing this, okay?" Taeyeon lectured and hugged them both with Jessica with them, they looked a very happy family indeed.

"I love you Daddy! Mommy!" The kids cheered and giving them a kiss on their cheeks while hugging them back.

"We love you too!" The parents answered back in unison engulfing the kids into their embrace.

"I love you, Taengoo!" Jessica placed a soft kiss into her husband's lips watched by their kids as they giggles happily from their parents affection.

"I love you too, Sica-yah! Thank you for everything and bring happiness into my life." Taeyeon said emotionally with tears on his eyes and kisses back.

"You're such a crybaby, you're embarrassing yourself infront of the kids." Jessica teased but wipes his tears instead.

"I'm too happy with us and hey it's called tears of joy." Taeyeon whined cutely made Jessica cringes.

"What did I say about being a big baby?" Jessica snorted.

"Ahm, forever be a baby for my wife." Taeyeon joked happily earned a smacked on his arms.

"Daddyyyyyy!" The kids whined.

The end.

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