Falling Crazy In Love

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Title: Falling Crazy In Love
Genre: Genderbender, Fluffy, Romance
Character: Taeyeon & Jessica


Sick, yes, I was literally sick of loving her that I learned to love her in impossible way, the way that I couldn't imagine I possibly falling inlove with the famous blonde at our school, she was a queenbee and a smartass that every guy wanted to get on her pants but not me through I'm insanely a pervert student who loves to peak on every girl's locker room especially the volleyball team which she was the captain, and I crazily applied for a position of a runner, the one who was in-charge of running an errands, waterboy and my favorite was to be her assistant which I oftenly joined them running for a few laps every practice early in the morning, honestly, I'm not a morning person even myself couldn't believe it that everyday I almost died in exhaustion with this stupid shit but I couldn't care less because I do anything just for her, the sunshine of his life,  my apple of the eye, Jessica Jung.


My life was example of a perfect one, that's what I usually heard from them, they always saying positive things about me although I obviously not, I'm just an ordinary girl with a dream to marry her Prince Charming but my dreams were crushed when my parents got divorced when I am six and they were now married to their new husband and wife leaving me alone to my grandmother. I doesn't believe in love even falling inlove was not on my vocabulary that I hated every guy that keeps hitting on me, I feel disgusted over them, my thought was seriously against love but having a good image to my school I'm giving a not-so-myself personality, yes, you heard me I was perfectly faking the real Jessica Jung. I wasn't myself everytime I talked with everyone but not on a certain person I used to love his presence, they called him dickhead and I'm not please with it, I hated them for calling him like that I wanted to stand with him everytime they bullied my assistant but what can I do, I don't want to ruined my image even my career as a volleybal captain and the school's queenka but someday I promise I would stand together with him.

Taeyeon was walking along the empty hallway when someone throw a bucket of water right to his face, the bullied students ran far away from him as he surprisingly staring at himself wet all over, he couldn't stand them anymore and decided to chase them but when he finally spotted the culprits, they were lying on the ground helplessly like they were a sprawled shrimps. He had no idea until a certain movement behind caught his attention, he looked at the blurred figure covered by a baggy sweatpants or more like a workout suit that older people loves to wear outside the gloomy weather, the stranger had a baseball cap and a mask and only eyes were visibly seen as they staring at each other before the figure was hurriedly gone from his sight.

"Eyes were too mesmerizing that you'll love to look at them every single time of your life." Taeyeon muttered as he helped the students.

Months, weeks, days passed just like a ticking clock and Taeyeon who oftenly received help from a stranger that he called "The Captain" a lame name he created especially just for his own savior, since he reason that the helper always wearing a cap, he was from his morning daydreaming by none other his one and only, Jessica Jung that he usually receives punishment from her which were cleaning the locker room or running laps because the famous blonde said that he seems a little off this days and somewhat lacking and that he grew hatred towards her. One evening on his way home, he spotted "The Captain" walking along with him behind and he was sure that the stranger always watching him all the time until Jessica Jung bumped into him.

"S-Sorry I wasn't looking." Taeyeon bowed when Jessica picking up her things but the most intriguing to him, why on earth she was there and it was almost 7 in the evening.

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