Love On Duty

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Title: Love On Duty
Genre: Genderbender, Romance, Fluff
Character: Taeyeon & Jessica
Author: chocomint89

"This is Captain Kim of Alpha team hold your fire!" The so-called Captain ordered when he tried to arrange a peace agreement between the South and North Korea because their President assigned him to accomplished his mission as Special Action Force leader.

"Yah! Taeng are you sure about this I reminded you twice and also I don't want my life to end here at the unpleasant place. I expected that I would die from the arms whom I truly love but she's not here with us unfortunately, why did you send Tiffany to Seoul? You're too bossy around her and I reminded you to stop teasing my girlfriend!" Taeyeon's partner slash bestfriend keep on talking and bothering him throughout their mission but he still focused and alert on his duty so it's the best to ignore him and scolded him afterwards.

"I ordered you to keep your big mouth shut before I pulled the trigger on your empty head, Lieutenant Choi Sooyoung!" Taeyeon ordered made his apprentice immediately shut his mouth and handed his rifle tighly as they crawled into the muddy ground near the target base.

Few weeks later, Taeyeon and his team will be deploy to Philippines as the President's convoy through a ASEAN summit conference because their commander was too pleased to their previous performance and gave them an easy task to enjoy at least while on duty. President Jung was beyond happy hearing the good news that she immediately make her way home to their shared apartment, she was escorted by Lieutenant Choi since Captain Kim was reporting to Major Lee. They were driving Sooyoung's Black Mercedez Benz since they were secretly escape from the Blue House, Jessica asked her friend about their whereabouts the past few weeks that Sooyoung answered them politely. After they arrived at the lobby, the President's bodyguard escorted them at the 9th floor of the penthouse suite owned by Captain Kim.

"Goodnight, Madam President." Sooyoung said after he bid goodbye to the woman later on followed by the bodyguards who check in at the same floor to spend the night too.

"Goodnight Lieutenant Choi. See you tomorrow and thanks for the ride." Jessica bowed politely as she silently closed the suite door and let herself walked into the kitchen to make some food while waiting for her fiance.

"I'm home honey!" Taeyeon announced as he dropped his luggage into the floor making a loud thud sound that caught Jessica's attention.

"Oh, you look sexy on your black suit Captain Kim." Jessica tease him seductively while she helping him to loosen his black tie and played them through her finger. Taeyeon looked at her with a lustful eyes as he took advantage to her, he groped her favorite butts into his hands made Jessica moaned. He loves everything about her except being a President because they spend less time with each other due to their conflict schedules but Jessica needed by South Korea too as well as Taeyeon.

"My precious President has become thinner these days. What do I have to do with you, huh?" Taeyeon asked as he lifted Jessica like a kid and made their way to the kitchen where the foods serve waiting for them to dig.

"So, no touching tonight so I could have a better sleep." The President said blatantly as she was seated beside Taeyeon who felt frustrated.

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