Tonight [11:11 Sequel]

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Title: Tonight

Genre: Romance, Genderbender

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Winter night at Seoul where everyone enjoys the moments with their loved ones, some running their errands, a last minute Christmas shopping but nonetheless there's still lonely soul living within, one of them is the blonde named Jessica Jung, a diligent worker of her company, years had passed when she broke up with her long time boyfriend and left her with a child on her womb but unfortunately she suffered miscarriage due to her mentally stress and depression.

*cellphone ringing*

"Yoboseoyo?" Jessica answered her phone immediately without looking at the caller name.

"Unnie, will you home for dinner?"  Her younger sister Krystal asked.

"Ah, Krystal, mianhe I couldn't make it tonight, I had some errands to do, you know how hectic our company was, say my greetings to appa and umma, araesso?" Jessica misses her family but she couldn't face them, not now, she had to deal with herself first. A tears escaped from her eyes as she bites her lips to choke her tears so her sister won't be worried about her.

"Oh, is that so? Well, just visit us if you have time, will still here you know?" Krystal sounds disappointed from being neglected by her own beloved sister, they misses her alot but they all know that Jessica needs some time alone because of the incident of miscarriage, they even blame the oblivious Taeyeon about it but her sister insisted not to let him know.

"Thank you sissy, I know I can count on you." Jessica smile to herself when she felt her family support on her and her sister who always cheering her up.

"Merry Christmas Sooyeonie~ Bye! Mwah!"

"Merry Christmas too Soojungie~ Say my greeting to our parents, you know how much I love you guys! Thank you for being there for me! Bye! Mwah! *smooch*"

"Dae." They both hung up the phone, Jessica silently sighed by herself as she continue strolling under the cold weather tightly hugging her french coat with her body to keep her warmth all over.

"Did you eat well, Taengoo-yah?" Jessica muttered under her breath as she breathed the cold with her sad eyes, watching every couple passing by with their hands intertwined together.

It's cold outside under the humid weather as she sat at the nearby bench to get some rest, she put down her grocery bags and fishing out her phone to check her SNS if there's a single message and notice there's one with unknown number, she open the message box and read it silently.

You look beautiful with your new hairstyle ^___^

- unknown number

"Huh? What the fudge." Jessica looks quizzically as she read them again and looking for someone around stalking her now but all of the people seems so busy to notice her and they didn't even know her.

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