Under the Rain

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Title: Under The Rain

Genre: Genderbender, Romance, Fluffy

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica


Three days before our graduation, my hidden feelings still kept safely with me, I tried but I failed to confess with him, it's such a risky thing to do and we both knew how our friendship grew stronger that we've become inseparable as days passes by since our freshmen. He is dork, dense, gentleman and every woman needs to be their man but the rumors of him dating someone named Tiffany not too long ago really breaks my heart, I spend my nights crying and many sleepless nights I suffered because of him and now here I am avoiding him as much as I can and hating the rain that suddenly pours from above because I really hated to bring my umbrella with me as I stepped my feet outside our building department someone held my shoulder that made me fell backwards but he caught me in no time.

"T-Taengoo?" I stuttered as much as I don't want to but hell he is showing his straight face but looks awfully cute though. 

"You're a little pain for not bringing your umbrella again, Ms. Jung." Taeyeon speak calmly that I love to hear from time to time and never fails to falter me all over again.

"S-Soorrry." I spoke under my breath and he's still holding my back tightly to avoid myself from falling on the ground but literally I'm falling for him even more than before.

And suddenly......

*KISS* Taeyeon kisses me straight on my lips still holding me.



Three days before our graduation, I barely hanging out with Jessica because she avoided me even though I always caught her watching me behind walls, bushes and doors everywhere in our campus, the rumors about me dating is false because Tiffany is my cousin and unfortunately no one knows our relationship and they all jumping into conclusion since we're close to each other and sometimes showing too much affection since my cousin is a very clingy person much to my dismay and that all started of Jessica's avoiding me, I don't know maybe she's jealous over Tiffany but a confession might not hurt me or else I'm doomed if she reject me though I'm planning to do it on our graduation because she's special for me. I'm now walking through the building's corridor when I saw Jessica patiently waiting for the heavy rain to stop and I bet she forgot to bring her umbrella or she purposely left it since how much she hates to bring it along, how lazy she is but I love her so I decided to share my umbrella with her but that girl trying to soaked herself under the rain so I held her quickly before she do stupid things again and made her sick again.

"T-Taengoo?" She stuttered and I find them awfully cute though and I keep staring back at her before my mind clouded of the thoughts of kissing her.

"You're a little pain for not bringing your umbrella again, Ms. Jung." I said and she blushes from my lame concern at her and that makes me feel giddy towards her reaction.

"S-Soorrry." She spoke under her breath while I'm still holding her securely into my arms and my body moves like it has a mind on its own, it's now or never! I quickly kissed her on the lips and I felt she kisses back and everything started in just a kiss under the rain.


The end.

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