What We Need To Do

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Title: What We Need To Do

Genre: Genderbender, Romance

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

The dawn air is cold, our bodies getting cold
Come inside the warm blanket,
I feel your warmth, your messed up hair
And your odd smile...

"Eyes up here, lover boy..." Jessica seductively whispered as she slowly grabs his shirt collar while intentionally unbuttoned the first three buttons of her red blouse, Taeyeon surrendered on her bold actions, letting her do whatever she wants besides the night was still young.

"Ooohh, you're so fucking sexy baby..." Taeyeon surpise with her aggressiveness when Jessica pushed him to lay on his back at the soft confinement of his own bed, he let himself go and watched the woman stripping off every piece of her clothes in a teasing manner. He bites his lips when the blonde left with only her lacy lingerie showing the perfect curves she possessed, messing up her hair while grabbing her assets infront of his devouring eyes.

Leave the lights on, I wanna remember everything clearly
Your perfect silhouette when you look back at me
It drives me crazy, oh damn
Under your hair, under your shoulders
The moment we meet eyes, we start...

"Hold up! You're wearing too much clothes..." Jessica commanded when Taeyeon places his hands into her waist when he couldn't take his hands on himself seeing her teasing makes him more and more aggressive on his own way. He's like a wild beast on heat and ready to take down his prey into deepest cave of his affection.

"Can you help me take the lead, huh?" He softly said while tracing his lips down into her exposed shoulder and then to her collarbone leaving traces of saliva making them both turned on and in just a glimpse they both seeing themselves naked on their eyes.

"You're working out without me knowing, huh? You bad boy...." Jessica staring at his growing biceps and masculine arms showing how strong her man was. Taeyeon smirked at her remarks and meeting her eyes halfway.

"Just only for you love..." He replied with a gentle tugged on her arms and turned her underneath his power leaving a same smirked he wears awhile ago.

Don't close your eyes right now
It's too early to fall asleep
Don't wanna hide it, we have to do it
We need to do what we need to do, we must do it...

"F-Fuck... Oh fuck... Yes, f-faster baby... Yeah righ there." He pounded harder into her tight hole while doing doggy style on his own fucking soaking bed with sweats and cum all over.

"Cum with me, babe..." Taeyeon said when Jessica gripped on his hands that massaging her breast in pleasure leaving them both in ecstasy.

"TAEYEON! SICA!" They both moaned in unison when the sudden adrenaline rush from their high trashing them like waves. They both panted when Taeyeon decided to stop and lay his woman beside him stretching his arms to offer at the worn-out Jessica.

"That was so great of you, love..." Jessica praising him with adoration as she scooted closer into his warmth under the duvet which covered by Taeyeon to hide their naked glory.

Till the sunlight interferes
We make so much love till you've had enough
Baby work it work it give it that work
Your breath is quickening we're not done yet
We're busy right now...

"I had to leave babe..." She whispered and sighed with the look from his adorable face.

"Stay please just for once babe..." He responded looking at her with pleading eyes.

"You promise that it would be the last one for real..." She pushed his face away after their kiss.

"But Tiffany won't suspect us since she's out of the country right now..." Showering her with his butterfly kisses Jessica surrendered and promise to do their last.

"Okay babe but it's just for today, okay?..." She let him do things they both wanted.

"Okay babe."

We have to do it, we need to do what we need to do
Before the night is over, we have to do it
We have to do it, we need to do what we need to do
Before the night is over, we have to do it  

"Where else I'm lacking off, Taetae?" Tiffany silently watching her husband in tears making love with her sister behind the door of their bedroom with a very slight opening for her to looked at. She secretly caught them at the first time and her suspicion grew wilder when she saw them the second time and now lying to him would be the best way to answer her questions that her husband cheating behind her back and worst to her own blood. She felt betrayed and her heart clenched in great pain seeing the person you both dearest to you but she has no courage to confront and stop them in the middle so she kept it from herself and cried hard.

"What if my sister caught us?" Jessica asked in worried tone as they finished a round but still not aware from Tiffany's presence that hiding behind doors.

"She isn't here, Sica don't worry... I know I might be sound rude but you're better off in bed.." Taeyeon replied while kissing her assets making Jessica moans in pleasure with her eyes closed showing how pleasured she was with Taeyeon's treatment while on the other hand, Tiffany was almost having a mental breakdown of what she's been witnessing.

The end.

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