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Title: Wonderland

Genre: Romance, Fluffy

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

The place I've dreamed is in front of me

I enjoy at this moment and feel this magic

Baby only with you

This is my kinda wonderland

"Sica-yah~" A voice woke up a certain blonde who lazily sprawled on her bed in a late afternoon.

No response.

"Sica!!!!" Taeyeon jumped happily on the bed made the blonde groaned in frustration, she slightly open her eyes knowing who woke her up with her beautiful slumber, she scoffed and grabbed Taeyeon's wrist engulfing her into a warm embrace since it's winter season.

"Ugh! Yah! Wake up!" Taeyeon struggle from the blonde's embrace but unfortunately her effort to release herself failed when Jessica tighten her hold with her legs tangled into the small frame.

"Let's just sleep for awhile, I missed this." Jessica whispered as she snuggled into Taeyeon's warmth and the latter couldn't do anything but to enjoy the moment with the blonde, she closes her eyes after Jessica feel into another slumber.

After a good hour of sleep, they finally woke up for real and prepare for a late lunch meal so they could went off together to downtown to buy something for their apartment since Christmas is just around the corner.

"Look, is it beautiful?" Jessica try some clothes inside the store while they're looking for gifts for their friends and the upcoming Christmas party of the company they've worked for years.

"Always gorgeous." Taeyeon said with a smile on her face made her still felt a butterflies on her stomach after dating for almost four years, she never fail to flutter the blonde all over again.

"Thank you, you'll buy it for me right?" Jessica teases as she linked her arms into the midget and gave a puppy eyes that Taeyeon couldn't resist.

"Well, it cause a small token of appreciation from you will do." Taeyeon whispered back as she lean closer to the blonde's ear made Jessica shivered but giving off a grin afterwards.

"Oh, what a greedy one." Jessica fake a pout and walked away from Taeyeon.

"Hey, wait up!" Taeyeon runs to her girlfriend's side and took the clothes Jessica wears awhile ago and paid at the counter.


"This is beautiful." Jessica mesmerized by the aesthetic winter view in the Seoul downtown, a park designed with a twinkling lights and dashing different colors of cute Christmas symbols, she spreads her arms and inhaled the scent of cold season with Taeyeon smiling behind her.

"You're more beautiful than this, love." Taeyeon whispered as she back hug the blonde and sniffing her hair and scent she loves the most, her favorite perfume, Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau de Toilette Spray, she'd given on her 26th birthday.

"Cheeseball." Jessica tapped her nose as they both engulfed into a moment of cold seasons in the middle of the crowded park.

After attending their company's Christmas party, they drove off to their favorite spot to get a better view of Seoul covered by white snow, Taeyeon pulled off their car at the top of the hill where you can see the cities glimmered with different lights.



"You know how much you give me butterflies everyday?" Taeyeon secretly glances at the blonde who is already into the beautiful view of Seoul city.

"Yeah, you always say it to me whenever you had the chance, so what's up now?" Jessica respond but never taking her eyes off the scenery infront of her.

"Will you give it to me forever?" Taeyeon asked seriously as she get on her knees and fished out a purple box and shows the diamond ring but Jessica didn't notice.

"W-Wh------ Taengoo?" Jessica already in tears as she looks at the midget smiling back at her.

"Will you give me the wonderland I've been dreaming of together with you?"

"Wonderland?" Jessica furrow her brows asking more explanation from her dear boyfriend.

"Everyday with you is a wonderland for me, this is a perfect melody not a dream, so?" TaeYeon winks seductively at her girlfriend.

"My kind of wonderland, I see." Jessica smile and looking forward for the future with Taeyeon.

"So, is that a yes?" Jessica nod.

"A wonderland together with you."

The end.

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