I Need A Girl

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Title: I Need A Girl
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

A/N: Inspired by Treyz Songs

Expensive things was understatement when it comes to the famous designer, Jessica Jung everyone wants to dates her from celebrities to political figures. Recently, a news spreading all over South Korea announcing her upcoming wedding with Tyler Kwon, a business from America, many of them were disappointed while half were surprise yet happy for finally tying the knot because of the rumor last year accusing her for being a gay sleeping with different woman and one of them was forgotten, she's a girl full of hopes and dreams but never she dreamed having an affair with another woman like her but she paid her well-enough to support her living for 10 years actually that she could buy a huge hectares of land from Jessica's money but she didn't want them to turned into a waste so she send them into her own charity which helped battered women. Taeyeon used the money well, she even volunteered to another foundation and rarely accepting small amount from them, she helped the poor people even the homeless one, she gladly welcomed them into her charity home build for people seeking for help but despite being a good Samaritan she's been living alone by herself after her parents passed away two years ago. Hell, she's suffered from mental illness but cured by the famous psychiatrisg in town having enough treatment for a months, now she's living a healthy yet normal lifestyle.


"Yah!  What are you doing Jessica?  Don't leave or else your shared on my company will be banned by me!" Tyler barks as he stood not too far from his ex-fiancee who's busy packing her things out from their shared closet but as a stubborn spoiled rich princess she was, Jessica acted like she never heard everything he spatted out from his mouth until she was shoved hard into the ground.

"Do I need to repeat myself again,  Tyler? We're done, we're over because I'm breaking up on you,  fuck just get out of my way and stop shouting at me, you're making me deaf, you asshole!" Jessica forcefully shoving him away from her sight as soon she settled her things from her luggage leaving their shared penthouse and driving her way from her own home, she leaves him like a trash after she learned how he loves to get into her pants like how she felt disgusted from him, actually, she only forces herself just to make her believe that she's not a gay and been a straight woman since the day she was born but her speculation was right because she's inlove with the same gender and now she was eager to find her even she cost her a fortune just to be with her.


"Do you know her?" Jessica asked the psychiatrist that she knew the woman involves the person she's been searching for.

"Oh, she's my patient two years ago since she suffered from mental illness because her parents passed away into an accident. Well, I pity her and offered her my home so she could have company on her own, I didn't have the heart to leave her alone by herself while she's been suffering losing the one she loves." Jessica broke into tears when the doctor tells her the story that she surprisingly comfortable around her since the doctor was being raised in America, she stayed at her home for days before she left for another journey to find her again.


"Oh, she's been my regular customer her and the last time I saw her she looks perfectly beautiful!" The woman with an average height cheered made Jessica frowned but shrugged off her jealousy and set her ears from her story about the girl she's been searching for and there she was sitting inside the cafe across her was the owner telling stories from how they met, she imagined every details she's been telling that she could only smile in return and after the story ends, the short woman offered her a caramel latte that used to be the girl's favorite according to her story. She smells the scent of the latte when it's been served by the owner before she pours down into her throat, afterwards they bid goodbye and Jessica hit the road again for another journey.

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