White Sugar

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Title: White Sugar
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Yes, she's beautiful, she loves white, she's sweet as sugar, she loves hanging around with me and I love it so much but when she's gone mad and it's scares me alot, I suffered a week before I could finally walk without cast and went to school since she broke my legs for accusing me cheating behind her back, the hell when we usually spends our time together inseparable almost like twins. My girlfriend has a golden voice and she loves to sing with me while I'm playing her white piano that she received as a birthday gift from me, yes we're both came from a wealthy family but we lived separately from our parents and decided living in one roof together. At first, I'm hesitated at her decision because our parents never agreed with our relationship but as stubborn spoiled brat daughter of Jung, she kicked herself out from her home and move inside my room yet we're still neighbors after all. She also love watching me when I do my sketching while she backhugging me so I could bring out the true meaning behind my artworks, I choose to be an art student while she's into fashion and designing, we'll we still clique as a couple, she's too sweet like my favorite gummies. One time, when we're having our first major fight of the century, I only received some bruises because she's too strong to handle, her punch was no joke at all even her kick, I couldn't forget that nightmare so I avoided not to argue with her again anymore, am I totally whipped? After celebrating our 3rd year anniversary, we barely seen each other because she always neglected going out with me that she often spends her off to her friends or to Tiffany's house that I always left behind, I smell something odd with her for the past few weeks since I rarely sees her at home,  she rejected my calls and not even responding through my messages. After a few months of receiving cold treatments with her I ended our relationship and I flew to L.A. due to our company branch expansion but a shocking news surprise me when one of our friends called me that Jessica diagnosed from leukemia so I cried that night for being dumb because I have no idea that she kept it from me all this time and I was too blind to see that she's suffering from illness which she didn't told me before. I quickly booked for a flight back to South Korea and drove faster to Seoul General Hospital when I landed safely, I'm standing infront of her private ward just to be greeted by her family before I was getting slapped by her mother then father afterwards her sister until my face swollen but I didn't felt pain because the real pain was seeing your beloved someone dying, Jessica stares at me for awhile before she looked away because she's afraid that I sees her on that state so I initiates to walked beside her while kissing her forehead before asking her hand from her family on that day,  they gave their blessings to us so without thinking furtherly I asked her to be my wife when she rejected me at first attempt followed by another before she said yes to me then we're getting married the day after my proposal. We spend our honeymoon in Hawaii before we landed in Philippines because she wanted to visit the country's famous Boracay, I couldn't forget the day when she was hospitalized that we extend our stay in the country, I patiently waited for her to woke up that we almost spend our days inside the hospital. She felt sorry for both of us that every night she cried in my arms when guilt creeping her out but I reminded not to blame herself anymore and we spend our first night as a married couple.

"You're speech was too long that I almost slept in your couch, Taeng!" Sooyoung yawned as she stretches her arms when she's being bothered by Taeyeon's story telling again and again every year.

"Thank you for listening buddy."

"No problem, Taeng call me when there's another revision, see you tomorrow, my Fany will be waiting for me at home, bye!" Sooyoung vanished behind her doors leaving Taeyeon alone.

"I miss you Sica-yah." Taeyeon wipes her tears when she carefully read the papers again.


"Congratulations, Kim Taeyeon your movie was another success for all of us, reminded me to pay you extra cash tomorrow!" Her boss lifted her up when their hardwork has been paid off earning them a huge bucks.

"It's nothing compare than going home finally!" Taeyeon smiles at her before leaving the company's after party for home.


"Daddy!" Her little princess and prince immediately jumped into her when she opened her door of their home.

"Omona, are you waiting for Daddy? Let me take my clothes off then we played for awhile, okay?" Taeyeon put her kids down letting them jumping around the house because finally their daddy's home before she's stripping her clothes off inside her bedroom.

"T-Tae?" The woman lying on her bed finally woke up from her nap when her husband changing her clothes into a comfortable one.

"Sorry if I interrupted your beauty sleep honey~" Taeyeon kissed her wife's jawline proceeding down into her neck and collarbone but she was pushed away.

"Sica-yah!" Taeyeon whined when Jessica climbed off the bed leaving her behind.

"Do you heard it right, Jisoo? Daddy's talking to someone inside and I'm wondering who's she talking to." Little Jessie whispered at her brother when they both decided to eavesdropped on their daddy's bedroom because they're still wondering about a mystery woman inside.

"I'm sure she's talking to mommy!" Little Jisoo scoffed.

"What are you saying? Our mommy Jessica was already dead 5 years ago, stop your nonsense words, Jisoo-yah~ C'mon let's play outside!" Jessica dragged her twin brother into their living room leaving their daddy talking with a mysterious someone.

The end.

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