World Of Dreams

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Title: World Of Dreams

Genre: Romance, Fluff

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Contagious happiness within as I searched for someone again here in my wondrous dreams of mine. I've been living in a memories since I met her and nothing could break us apart when were in a deep slumber, we shared the same feelings but buried deeply in reality, how cruel the real world are. From here, everything was perfect with the same sun shines brightly at us when we walked hand in hand into the small hills filled with daffodils, I followed her footsteps when she happily runs like a kid, her laughter was so addictive like melody in my ears, the bright blue sky above has been the witnessed to our undying love with each other.

"This world is perfect for the both of us, what do you think?" Her melodious voice asked directly at me while I'm searching into the deepest of her eyes I fell deeply with.

"You're right, I'm loving here that I don't want to wake up anymore." I replied back while I clings into her arm and felt her lips made in contact with my cheeks, we both watching the sunsets in the horizon.

"Those clouds looks like a cotton candy and turns into a purple one!" Oh how, she loves the color so much that everytime she saw one, she couldn't help but to stares at them with sparkling eyes but not that I mind them, I totally loves it because she looks more adorable.

"Everything here was like a miracle that your eyes will believe all of them was true." I pulled her back under the shade of a persimmon tree and sat beside each other while her arms wrapped securely around me.

"Miracles do exist." She said while caressing my blonde hair and sniffing the scent of a fruity shampoo I've used that originally belongs to her.

"That stars is waiting for me now." She added but in a soft whisper through my ear, I don't want to let her go.

"I'm definitely your star as well." I kissed her small finger into my hair.

"Yes, your my golden star."


"Did you already check her pulse?"

"Its slowly dropping Dr. Choi!"

"Don't die on me please, Sica!" The doctor tried to revive her patient who was struggling to breath but her effort seems so lacking off because she's not responding well.

"We will losing her Sooyoung."

"Don't let her Ms. Hwang, I'm trying my very best over here!"

"I'm trying my best as well!" The assistant nurse yelled back as she tried to helped the doctor who was doing her best.

*sound of beeping machine*

*straight line shown in the monitor*

"S-Sica? D-Don't y-you dare die on me!" Dr. Choi hit the patient's chest out of anger when the woman wasn't breathing anymore.

"Dr. Choi." Nurse Hwang soothed the devastated doctor in her arms as she watched the scene.

"She loves her so much that she rather kill herself than to be with me." The doctor cried on the nurse arms as they heading out from the operating room with a heavy heart losing a patient.

"Let Jessica be happy with the one she loves and you know yourself she truly loves your bestfriend more than you, don't be blinded by your one-sided love and besides I'm still here with you Dr. Choi, always be." The nurse confessed.

"F-Fany, ne-neomu g-gomawo."

"You're welcome."


"Why you? Why did you follow me here I thought you're still dreaming with me." The shorter woman pouted as she watched the taller one smiling back at her and didn't vanished when the sunrise appears, she's still visibly there together with her.

"You left Sooyoung alone, why?"

"I don't want to let her hopes high because I won't never ever love her back like the way I do to you, Tae." She said with loving eyes as she stares at her former lover who died a year ago because of a car accident, the day when she supposedly proposed into her long time lover.

"You careless idiot, come over here." Taeyeon open her arms widely to welcome her former lover who was joining her in the world of dreams where selected souls met.

"You still smells the same."

"Am I?"

"You smell stinky even though your now a ghost, midget!"


"Kidding, I love you Taengoo!"

"So I can finally say what I supposedly wanted to say to you on the day I die." Taeyeon pulled away from the loving embrace of her lover again.

"Don't tell me you wanted to break with me, yah!?"

"Yah! I didn't even say that, you fool!"

*awkward cough*

"W-Will y-you marry me?"

*slap her shoulder*

"Yah! What was that?"

*kiss on the cheeks*

"Is that a yes?"

*kiss on the lips*

"You should've know me well." Jessica patted her lovers head before she walked away from her.

"Such a rude teaser."

"I'm not you stupid midget!"

"Since were in the world of dreams, shall I claim you as my wife here?"

"Hm, what a good idea then what do I call you now? Wife? Husband?" Jessica acts like she's thinking tapping her chin.

"Whatever you wanted to call me." Taeyeon slowly followed the walking blonde on the field of daffodils under the starry night.

"I don't have our ring with me." The shorter fellow frown as she looks at her only wearing a white piece lacy dress.

"Forget the goddamn ring as long as I have you here with me, that's fair enough." Jessica looked at her with sparkling eyes as they intertwined their hands together walking side by side.

"So shall we had our first night as a newly wed couple here?" Taeyeon winks at her made Jessica smacked her head from being a byuntae even though they turned into a soul now.

"Still a pervert, hmph!" The blonde pushed her away and walked somewhere else instead ignoring the groaning sound from the kid lover behind her.


The end.

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