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Title: Fly
Genre: Genderbender, Romance, Fluff
Character: Taeyeon & Jessica

Playing at the Kim's backyard was Jessica's favorite because she will be spending her time with her childhood friend, Taeyeon. The little boy wanted to be a pilot and she chooses to be her flight attendant but the boy doesn't want to. Every single day the girl insisted to be a flight attendant but still the boy said no to her everytime that she oftenly cried over their cute little fight. When they reached highschool, Taeyeon and Jessica rarely spending time together although they were neighbors and he learned that the latter already had a boyfriend for herself so he felt dejected. He decided to pursue his study at Seoul, leaving his province or simply wanted to avoid crossing paths with Jessica. After years passed, Jessica graduated from Jeonju Community College as an Educator and finally her parents decided to send her to Seoul too that she must breaking up with her current boyfriend and she diith ease. She travelled to Seoul alone and found the apartment where her cousin offered that wasn't expensive and cozy for herself, she spends her days searching for work, finally called for an interview after a few days of waiting, she got the job as a call center agent somewhere at the city, on her first day she was already exhausted and a certain caller always asking her to fly with him that the prank call last for almost a month now that she immediately report them to her supervisor but the in-charge person didn't care as well as long you have a customer calling but someone was bugging her and it wasn't good for her that she resigned from the position and find another job for real.

"Will you fly with me?" The interviewer asked her inside the conference room and she almost lost her sanity.

"I will go crazy Tiffany!" Jessica hollered at her colleagues who was tapping her keyboard beside her cubicle.

"Yeah, me too I will go crazy over you so stop yelling and just do your job." Tiffany fired back because she couldn't focused at her own job as a clerk slash encoder because it was still their office hours and a certain blonde after having a good nap she will burst into her own craziness because of the same fucking questions ringing inside her head over and over again.

"So, you wanna fly with me?" Tiffany teased before she burst out laughing with her bestfriend's epic expression that she nearly died.

She marked her calendar at September 22nd because she was randomly invited by the city mayor for an exhibit together with Tiffany. She squealed in joy when her thought was occupied by meeting a celebrity because the exhibit was also conducted by a famous celebrity himself, they're also launching a movie about the pilot fell inlove with the flight attendant that the story plot was almost familiar with her but she brushed it off.

Glamorous was the the concept of the exhibit that everybody wears their best suits and dresses but since Jessica and Tiffany wasn't informed about it they only wear casual clothes that will embarrassed themselves but still walked with their head up high shamelessly. Their eyes caught by the origami airplanes that shaped like a heart, Jessica studying every interesting arts from the events until she loses her track with Tiffany who was nowhere to be found. The spotlight was pointing at her that she almost find herself into an isolated place without people but before she could scream like crazy, she spotted a familiar figure approaching her holding a bouquet of paper planes and kneeled down infront of her.

"So will you fly with me Jessica Jung,  sorry I couldn't fulfill my dreams to become a pilot and turned into a singer slash celebrity that almost everyday I kept on bugging and annoying you but now finally I have my own jet plane to fly with you around the world. So?" Taeyeon shut his eyes closed expecting to be slapped by Jessica but he felt a lips into his when he saw her copying his position while capturing his lips locking into hers.

"I'm asking you again seriously Kim Taeyeon, why you don't want me to become your flght attendant?" Jessica asked while she was engulfed by Taeyeon into his warmth.

"You know why? But promise ne you wouldn't punch me or anything that will harm me?" Taeyeon whispered his answer made Jessica nodded.

"Because I wanted you to become my wife and together we we're fly around the world with me as your personal pilot." Both of them smiled as they take their love into the next level called cloud 9.

The end.

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