It's You

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Title: It's You
Genre: Romance, Fluffy
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

People say that first love leave deepest memories, whether it could be something hurtful, beautiful or either both. Well, in my case its a beautiful mess.

Clinking sound of glasses, suffocating smoke, blasting nusic echoed throughout the four walls, blinding neon lights and screaming wasted people dancing everywhere. Usually, I stayed in my safe haven inside my home alone by myself after my parents left me 5 years ago I couldn't move on from scars they left as well as my heart who always been afraid to let anyone enter my lonesome world where I've been a living dead. Well, I'm not a warmhearted person you'll like when you met me and everybody were afraid to start a conversation with me because I would throw a fit of deathly glares that they couldn't digest. I hate being around with people nor hanging out with them without intentions aside when we do group projects since I had to do a good job in my grades as a scholar, honestly, I'm really sick of it, I want to have my freedom but where do I begin, I'm kinda lost in my own. Will someone could get me out of here? Will someone take a risk to being with me even if I push them away from me? Will someone be there when I silently cried in my sleep? Will some --------

"Alone?" I heard a goddamn voice sounds like melody through my ears before I shivered and finally looked over my stiff shoulder.

"Yeah." I poured another shot of tequila on my own glasses before I served her an extra glass beside me. We tossed before we drunk in one go made me chuckle when I saw her face turned into frown when she tastes the hard liquor down on her throat.

"Ack! It tastes awful." The stranger frown before she put down the glass and wipes her mouth using the back of her hand.

"What do you expect in a liquor honey? Well then leave it." I sound cold but she stayed beside me in silence before I could gulped down another shot.

"Well, you changes alot." Did she knows me? I wonder but I didn't say a word and let her do the talking.

"I guess you won't remember me now?" Well, in fact I didn't remember you at all so get lost if you intended to babbling nonsense.

"I'm Miss Human Paper." Oh.

"Hey, I remember now, you're the girl from next door who had a weak heart and everyone bullied you for being a weaklings when we had a class competition. Well, how are you?" I asked in glee when I found a batchmate from my old school back then.

"Thank God you finally remember me because I will tell you something so I tried to reach you and someone close to me says that you're always hanging out here when you felt down." She explained and I found it interesting to spend more time staying with her.

".................." We shared an awkward silence before she finally decide to speak with a flustered face.

"I-I...." She suttered and hold her breath for awhile she seems having a difficult time to speak to me without getting nervous but I like the way when someone got intimated by me.

"You what?" I said with my monotone voice and saw her jumped a bit from her comfortable sitting posture.

"I LOVE YOU JESSICA SUNBAE!!" She made a big heart shape on her head while tightly shutting her eyes and caught everyone's attention through the blastful of music, I almost laughed at my seat but held them because I don't want to embarrassed another poor thing infront of everyone, I'm not a heartless person to be exact. Well, I'm kinda used of the unexpected confession since my ethereal beauty recognized in all-girls academy where I studied.

"Please accept my confession sunbae or I'll get screwed by them." She whispered and pointed her lips behind her where a bunch of troublesome kids were expecting something from here. Well, she's the center of bullying but I don't gave a damn on them even her but sometimes I felt guilty for not helping her when she needed someone and right now I felt like I had to do something on her before she would walked home with a black patch on her eyes again.

"Well, what's your name again?" I asked in a low tone where she only could heard them well.

"Taeyeon." Nah, I will swallow my pride for once so that those shits will leave her alone.

"TAEYEON PLEASE BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" Damn, I almost throw up with my fake confession but her lips curved upward and almost reaches heaven. I don't care as long as they will leave me alone and get their shits together.

"YES, YES, SUNBAENIM!!!" With all the loudest cheers from everyone she jumpwd happily on me made both of us stumbled on the ground but because of that night my life started to change for good.


"YAH!! YOU'LL RUINING THEM!!!" A blonde woman trying to pulled away the pencil from her wife's clumsy hand when the other woman intended to do a doodling on her work project design.

"I'll add just add small details on your drafts and it would be a good shot!" The black-haired trying to struggle from the other woman's forcing hands so she could satisfied her newly  discovered design.

"You screwed big time Taeyeon!" The blonde tickles her lover before finally got off from her previous position and both them laughed at their cute little interactions.

"Ack!" Taeyeon felt her chest tightened when she huffed from exhaustion made Jessica felt worried about her.

"T-Take m-me t-to the hospital NOW!" Taeyeon pleaded with deep pain written on her face.

"Yah! Don't die on me you piece of shit!" Jessica cried when her wife rushed to the hospital as she followed her way into the emergency.

"You can't enter not until the operation finish!" The nurse blocked her way as Taeyeob entered the emergency room and leave Jessica behind doors.

She cried on her knees waiting for the operation end, she had no one with her and she felt her heart trembled when she thought of Taeyeon leaving her like she dream of a weeks ago. The first person who loves her for who she was, the one who stayed with her for better or worst, Taeyeon who never leave and let go of her hand when she's in her darkest time, her first love, first kiss and first in everything, the person who made her feel loved was now dying inside the room.

"Don't leave me." The words rolled out from her mouth like she said when her parents leave her a couple of years ago but she couldn't lived a life when Taeyeon will leave her soon.

"Are you the patient's guardian?" The door wide open and the doctor stepped out pulling off his mask with a frown on his face.

"I'm her wife." Jessica answered.

"I'm sorry but she couldn't make it." The doctor hung his head low and cried but Jessica shows no emotions but blankly staring at the window where you could overlooked inside and there she saw her wife's lying lifelessly. She recalls the memory when Taeyeon accidentally confessed at her because of a truth and dare game, she smiles at the happy memories and made a heart shape on her head like what her wife did before making sure her wife would see them with her eyes closed.

"I love you because it's you."

The end.

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