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Title: Moonlight

Genre: Genderbender, Romance

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

A figure of two horny being were pleasuring each other, the man hovered above the squirming woman underneath we're to be seen in a secluded four corners of the room illuminated by the moonlight, no talking just kissing and all until a voice came into a shout.

"CUT!!!! Good job everyone! It's a wrap!" The director said made everyone prepare to leave and the pair stopped their almost heated session.

"Are you alright?" The man asked in a gentle manner as he help the woman took her scattered clothes and put them on to cover her almost naked body like a gentleman.

"I'm fine, you're such a gentleman." The woman flash her eyesmile and their hands squeezed together before he's left behind.

"I'll see you then, I've got another schedule. Bye!" A kiss on a cheek is the final goodbye.

"Okay then." The man hurriedly gather his things inside his sports bag from the dressing room.

Taeyeon drove safely at the luxury apartment and it's almost midnight when he arrived and putting the password through the door and welcome by unexpected scenario.

"WHAT THE-----" A flying pillow thrown in front of his face but fortunately dodge it hastily.

"You're late and I watched the scene where you and that bitch taken." The blonde crosses her arms as she glares at her made the man shivered.

"Are you serious? It's just plainly a job no affection attached." Taeyeon reason out as he slowly walked in front of him trying to comfort his raging woman. Must be a long night for him.

"A job, my ass! I saw how you grope and roam on her body and your eyes, ugh! I couldn't imagine it's disgusted me!" The blonde shoved him away who tries to invade her space.

"Sica, you're being such unreasonable right nowplease hear me out." Taeyeon said in a calm manner.

"Hmp!" The woman named Jessica sulk continuously.

"Maybe we can make it up instead." Taeyeon showing a such a perverted looks.

 towards the angry woman.

"No, not today I'm still mad at you!" Jessica barks at him ferociously gritting her teeth.

"Sica~ please! I'm sorry." TaeYeon begged but got easily ignore.

"Do I have to spell it out again? On the couch tonight." Jessica sternly scoffed.

Before Jessica made a neglecting action, she's being shoved at the wall nearby, pressing their bodies together as her lips abusively attack by Taeyeon's soft one. She moaned but gave up and kisses back with an intense passion, they continue their business inside the confinement of their shared bedroom.

"Next time I'll never make you jealous by my ex-wife again." TaeYeon said in between their kisses and make sure he will pleasure his woman tonight.

"I think she did it on purpose." Jessica said between kisses as she tightly hold unto her husband whose giving her a perverted look from a man in heat.

"That bitch!" Jessica remember well how she was being tease by the former wife.

"Nah, we will never get back together, I love you because you're my wife now." They both smile and went down into their business under the bright moonlight.

The end.

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