You We're Beautiful

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Title: You We're Beautiful
Genre: Romance, Genderbender
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

A/N: Inspired from Day6 song with the same title.

As always you're still beautiful...

Straightening my black tuxedo, fixing my bow tie and rose pin, I'm so much excites for these wedding and I couldn't help but to feel giddy inside when finally the day would come, the end of my suffering. I could only pour out my emotions towards her and noe seeing her awhile ago with her wedding gown was like seeing how truly a goddess really exists because my eyes couldn't helped but to stare at her beauty for a very long period of time especially when she smiles back at me while her eyes filled with too much happiness. On the corner of my dressing room, I looked over at my favorite purple electric guitar that she bought for me as a present 6 years ago when I passed my audition at SM company and now for the past few years, I finally reached my dreams being a famous main vocalist and visual of my own band, Boys Generation. I smiled from the fresh memories of my youth while she stayed with me on my long journey as a singer, she's one of my favorite dongsaeng that I treasured so much, my finger runs through my black-jet hair seeing my appearance at the dressing mirror infront of me, showing my white toothy smile, rehearsing my throat so I could have my speech afterwards.

"Mr. Kim, are you done?" The make-up artist called from the outside of my dressing room checking me out since the ceremony will be starting soon.

"Yep, almost done thanks!" I answered back after I dusting off my luxurious made by a renown designer of South Korea. I tried to at least shows my charming smile that made all women sweep off their feet when they see me smiling back at them in every events, concerts and fanmeets throughout the international tour. Despite of having all the fortune in the world there's still something I've been missing behind that I have to discover sooner or later but right now I had to stepped off outside or someone else will be nagging at me for being inconsiderate.

"Save your best smile Taeng fighting!" I pumped my fist in the air before I totally sprinted out the dressing seeing my bandmates outside calling and cheering me. I've shown them my warmest smile as I walked through them and they patted my back.

The wedding ceremony has finally started and the old wooden door the church open revealing the glamorous guest of the groom and bride and as expected after few people passed through, the beautiful yet elegant woman like her own name finally entered with pride and grace, wearing her own design of her white lacy wedding gown filled with diamonds showing how much luxurious and expensive it was, Jessica or Sooyeon walked slowly with her warm smile beaming through everyone whose eyes were on her. Finally, the wedding song was harmonizing with a soothing voice that was very familiar with the bride's, she looked out from where the voice was and there she saw her bestfriend singing his new band single while his eyes closed probably inhaling the song like his life depending on each and every word that lyrics was wrote by none othern than him. Without her knowing, her tears formed and she smiled sadly at him and soon their eyes met halfway like they're living in their own world with no one else but them, not too far her groom patiently waiting at the altar with his outmost smile.

"I'm happy to see you again." Jessica whisper to herself while she continue to walked down the aisle showing her unpure smile because she knows who originally her heart was longing for but it wasn't the same man waiting at the her in the altar.

"Be happy if it wasn't me who you wants to spend the rest of your life." Taeyeon thought to himself as she watched the girl of his dreams walking down the aisle while he's singing her wedding song but after meeting her eyes halfway, he felt a striking pain directly into his heart that only Jessica's name engraved. He clutched his guitar tightly as he halt from singing, his mind finally made up an stupid decision but for him it was the right thing he made for his life when he decided to run through where the bride standing, leaving his bandmates who smiling for them. He grabbed Jessica's wrist as he smile back at her not bothering the scream from everyone inside the church and the poor groom who literally running after them taking away his wife-to-be from the person where she originally belongs and she chooses to be with forever. They both runaway with a pure smile on their faces leaving everything behind as they choose to be with each other until forever.

"I thought you don't want some kind of romantic actions but look how cool you are awhile ago." Jessica kept on teasing him when they came to a stop seeing no one following them behind. The troublemaker couple found themselves staring lovingly from each other and their lips sealed their promises to be with each arms as they face tough and good times together now that they finally freed themselves.

"Oh, please I know you want some kind of sweet gestures and stuffs like I've done not too long ago and look how you smiling non-stop right now." Taeyeon teases back while caressing her braided hair and taking away the veil so he could pecks her soft plump lips. They hugged each other for a few minutes before they decided to take this wedding into a real one so they walked in the nearby chapel to held a small and private ceremony of their own wedding. They were both genuinely will be living with each other.

And they lived rockily ever after with many babies together.

The end.

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