Make Me Love You [Sequel of Love Me The Same]

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Title: Make Me Love You

Genre: Romance, Genderbender

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica



Cup of coffee.


Dr. Jessica Jung is working for God-knows-how long she's been into a research to be completed by the end of the month since it runs for almost 3 years ago after a certain patient no. 567-000 died but the last words he left still engraved inside her head. She couldn't forget everything about him even if many guys take her for a date that only lasts for a week before they all dumped by the one and only, no one could replaced him, she thought.

"Crap! I forgot to save!" She grunts and almost slammed her forehead to the wooden table but not wanting to caught everyone's attention so she decided not to be an idiot.

"I wish Christmas is just around the corner." She added before she sighed deeply.

"Oh no, I must be late with my date. Shoot!" She hastily closed her laptop and put inside the black bag leaving an amount to the table and scurried outside with too much trouble fixing her stuffs and herself.


"Oh, it's so hard to pick fashionable clothes for spring tho." Jessica almost took all of her clothes that all black and white as the usual color of her taste and nothing caught her attention before she glances at her wrist watch and sighed in defeat because she knows herself too well that no one could take notice her beauty underneath her black-framed glasses.

"I'm so hopeless." She sighed again while time ticks fast.

"Are you having trouble, Dr. Jung?" Angelic voice came from somewhere but she shrugged it off since she thinks that she might be daydreaming.

"Ahm, excuse me Dr. Jung?" Someone tapped her shoulder makes her jumped off from her bed.

"YYYAAAHHHH!!! GHOST!!!" She let out her famous dolphin scream when she finally noticed the presence of the familiar person she used to take care of.

"Hold on, I'm not going to hurt you and for your information I'm already an angel." Taeyeon pout of how he watched the blonde doctor hiding behind the bathroom door because of fear from him.

"A-Angel?" Jessica let her eyes widen and brushes to make sure she wasn't dreaming but to no avail the man was real and a little transformation made him look more handsome because he's hair turns into a blonde too.

"Hello, Dr. Jung nice to see you again!" The blonde angel cheered as he waves his hand like a kid greeting a friend.

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