Let It Rain

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Title: Let It Rain
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Walking under the rain was merely a coincidence when once we first met but now turns into a habit when she left me by the same incident, sad but it's the best for us when her father force her to break up with me because I'm just nobody, had nothing but only my love for her, I couldn't afford to bring her on a date not even once we eat at something I would called fancy and nice restaurant, once in a lifetime for me but for her, she could afford them even buying something expensive but never once she demanded nor protest because she had that feeling of excitement everytime I brought her at streetfood market downtown while walking hand in hand and feeding each other, I remember when she daily brought herself there without me just to fill up her hunger, she even bought extra for me to eat, she tries to be a good girlfriend or more like a housewife to be called because we twice mentioned about future with each other and one of her bucket list was to be a good housewife for me, cooking, cleaning, ironing and take care of our future babies but now all of our marriage plan turns into a plain and painful memories that had been forgotten four years ago, I've heard that she's been living a happy life with her newly found fiancee while I'm here suffering with pain I couldn't forget, almost perfect when I'm walking under the rain every 22nd of the month, our anniversary. We're dating for 2 years and trying to make it further into forever but now I have to deal with myself alone, not believing in love as well as forever.

"One coffee caramel please." Our favorite coffee when we're spending at our shared apartment on a cold weather and we had nothing to do, we love cuddling and she loves sleeping. It's also the cafe we usually stay, spending time together, talking before we go home during our college days.

"Here's your order, Miss Kim. Enjoy your coffee and don't get yourself always soaking under the rain you might get sick and your girlfriend will get mad again. See you!" The waitress cheered me since I'm a regular costumer here since college and how she's close with her, they also hanging out even without me, I smiled at her before she gets back into the counter, she's tall and beautiful as her but never once she got jealous over her when we're talking at each other, I sipped my coffee as I looking out through the window.

"Can you lend me some of Nicholas Sparks' novel?" I said politely to the new librarian since we spending most of our time here studying but until now I oftenly visit perks of being a bookworm while my girlfriend only hang out with me because she's clingy at me and she doesn't want me to look for other girls here, I said what the hell when we inseparable everyday and look I'm just a nobody in everyone eyes while she's a goddess genius, I think I have the rights to say the same words to her.

"Oh, sorry Miss Kim all of the books were not available this time, someone already lend them yesterday." The librarian said apologetically at me but I smile at her and tell her that I come back again next week but that's weird that all of them had lend by only one person, worst reader ever, she/he might been addicted to them, well. I shoved my hand inside my pocket and walked outside the library while the rain keeps on pouring down heavily, I guess another soaking journey for me. I smile as I remember that we run like a mad person under the heavy rain while laughing like there's no tomorrow, I hate to bring umbrella so she herself always brought one for us everytime.

"One pint of chocolate mint flavor." I gave the money into the beautiful cashier whom my girlfriend really hates because she's kinda flirting at me when I'm with her that's why she always accompanying me to buy our favorite ice cream together at the same store.

"Geez, you're getting sick when you always do it every 22nd, Tae. I think you should stop your madness over her, boss. You should at least move on with her." The eye-smile girl cashier gave a worried look at me as she caresses my wet face but I returned them with a weak and bitter smile before I swiftly walked out because I couldn't hide the tears falling slowly into my burned cheeks.

I was walking inside the lobby of my luxurious apartment and was greeted by my employees as I returned politely by a single nod before I stepped inside the lift at the most upper floor which is 22nd. Yes, after a years of hardworking I successfully reached my dream to become rich but not my real dream as a singer, because of her I forgot being the real me, I was blinded by money because of the need to be with her since she's one of those wealthy person attending expensive events and all but now I'm also one of them but still as empty since she's not with me. The elevator ding when it reached the top where I occupied the entire floor by myself but of course it's highly secured since I'm now the powerful Kim of South Korea who owns hotels, oils, shipping line, airlines, entertainment, clothing, malls and even advertising company which I started into a scratch and my business partner whose been willing to helped me up to reached them all without a return, she's my only true friend of all but now she's happily married and living at Paris with her wife, Sunny while I'm still here waiting.

"Geez, I forgot the ice cream! How can I become so forgetful these days." I hastily sprinted off outside leaving my apartment.

"Hey, sorry! I think I forgot to claim my ice cream!" I yelled as I opened the two door but she only smiled at me like she's crazy.

"Oh, someone already took them, I think she's waiting outside now hurry up, Taetae." She said and suddenly my heart beats for I don't know why, I don't want to hope but my foot tells it all as I hurriedly walked outside under the still heavy rain, I looked everywhere my eyes could see but seems everything gets blurry because of the rain but I didn't stop in searching that someone when suddenly the rain stop but I still confusedly see the rain pouring still as I looked and turned my head towards the familiar voice and surprisingly saw her wearing her bridal dress complimented her beautiful curves as she holds her white umbrella shielding us against the rain and her smile was still as pretty as they are yet still the same.

"You're still such a pain in the neck acting a baby. You don't know how I waited here for so long and look at yourself soaking wet-" I cut her off by my pair of lips came in contact with her as I cupped her face, her lips still tastes the same, the umbrella was nearly forgotten and we both now soaking under the rain.

"Let's runaway here, Taengoo!" She pleaded and nod at her while intertwining our hands together as we carelessly running under the heavy rain with a smile written on our face, I will bring us to where forever was on the other side of the world and never let her go again, never.

The end.

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