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Title: I
Genre: Romance, Angst
Character: Taeyeon & Jessica

I watched every little movement she made, it made me falling inlove all over again, beautiful is understatement or should I say her beauty is beyond ethereal. Every piece of clothes were always suits her absolutely, I wondered how could I easily get her as my girlfriend when many guys were asking her out but only to be turned down and instead choosing a nobody like me, that still remains a mystery to me but who cares I myself was adobrable for her to handle. Yes, I remember the first time I accidentally confessed to her on a crowded place yet she didn't answer me directly and swiftly leaving me behind, ashamed of myself I runaway from everyone as I'm in the verge of crying but I held them inside me, I don't want people to pity me, no. After a weeks ignoring and avoiding each other, finally she got the nerves to break the cold treatment between us, she harshly dragged me when I was talking to my project partner, Wendy who I knew had a huge crush over me, I wanted to ask her out to brushed away the thoughts of her occupying my mind. And in a cue, I saw her approaching our direction and without a notice, she was dragged by me leaving Wendy, I mouthed an apology at the poor latter before I let myself pulled by the HellSica into an emptied hallway of our huge university. I was pinned in the brick wall as she shamelessly pressed her soft and inviting lips into mine that I protested ar first but after a few I helplessly surrendered letting her again to take the full responsibility to pleasure because I was almost turned on by her sexual harassment. We nearly caught by the college dean so she decided to take the both of us to something private, her place to be exact. The ride was a little bit rough when she couldn't keep her hands into herself, she continued to attack me like a hungry beast and me as her hopeless prey in the middle of the desserted forest, I could see the lust and love through her eyes, she's driving carelessly as her hands was naughtily on my body, touching everywhere. She filled my sexual frustration hasn't been touched for many years after my break up with Tiffany Hwang, my former lover was left to California to reached her dream to be a fashion designer so she decided that it's better to end our stable relationship because she couldn't handle long distance same with me and just like that unreasonable piece of shit, we parted ways with a heavy heart. Jessica Jung is one of a kind, a queenka of our campus, a player, party goer, a cheerleader captain and one of the rich kid in Korea while me, I'm not so rich but we could afford to let me study in a prestigious university since I was a scholar so money wasn't an issue for my parents, after the push and pull relationship between us, I finally said yes to her and started living together but her parents didn't approved us so she choose to lived with me and find a job for both of us, I'm a freelance writer while she got a job of a cafe waitress nearby our home. Our one year dating went smoothly but the next year was totally a rough one when she's force to study abroad and marry a guy named Lee Donghae, her father threatened me to get away from her beloved daughter but I fought for her, for our love thus it turned into waste when she decided to break up with me one time before our 2nd year anniversary, she moved out leaving me devastated with nothing but her memories. After we graduated, I never saw her nor heard something about her and I accepted the fact we're not meant to be together unless God played with us. Years after years, I was now in a relationship with Tiffany again after she came back a year ago asking for another chance and I gladly accept her out of desperation with Jessica, I'm a fool for making her as a rebound but she willingly accepted us again without a further questions or doubt if this will worked out well, Tiffany loved me and she didn't want to let me go again and here I am walking down the aisle and Tiffany will soon-to-be my wife but my eyes were secretly glancing at Jessica as one of our guest, I caught tears in her brown eyes, I felt sorry and guilty when she told me the truth about leaving me. She needed to fixed things with her father and to win his heart to let us be together, she fight for us and me as a coward accepted our fate and now I'm regretting to marry the one I'm not surely loved. One last glance and she's out of patience as she forcefully dragged me out of the aisle, dejavu, I detached myself to her catching more attentions through the crowd, I weakly smile at her begging Jessica to stop ruining my wedding day, we're done years ago and she had no space in my life, I lied to myself when truthfully I wanted to runaway from her almost immediately but Tiffany was waiting for me with hopeful eyes begging me to comeback from her and leave Jessica under the heavy rain with a brokenheart. With a final blow, I mindlessly runaway from them without Jessica nor Tiffany, I want to clear my mind and thinking deeply about my life so three years passes again without everyone else knowing my whereabouts as I decided to fly away to New Zealand where I found calmness and peace giving me the freedom to be myself again, a place where I found love again with someone I truly loved, confidently shares every thoughts came into my mind, we build anew life together with a new version of me living in a small house at the countryside and I'm happy that I married my wife named Wendy and blessed with a loving child, Joy.

The end.

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