You're My Sanctuary

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Title: You're My Sanctuary
Genre: Genderbender, Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

"She sings very well, I like her voice." Fr. Kim Taeyeon says between his conversation with Fr. Kwon Yuri during their prayer conference at the Cathedral.

"Yeah, says who stares at her like that I know you very well Taeyeon you're such a weak person when it comes to a woman with a ethereal voices like the girl called the Golden Voice." Fr. Kwon scoffed when he felt something suspicious within his fellow priest, he wants to warned him through his sinful feelings.

"B-But..." Fr. Kim cut in between when the Bishop Han appears passing by infront of them and they both bowed with respect.

Fr. Kim Taeyeon walked through the Cathedrals garden during his leisure time and as he silently passing by the beautiful trees he heard someone singing nearby so he decided to peek from he knew familiarity of the voice came, his hetwo beat becomes strange when he eavesdropped closely and his eyes widened by the Golden Voice Jessica Jung facing him suspiciously, he's intimidated by her.

"Father Kim may I asked what are you doing here?" Jessica asked with still respect from her tone but made the priest shivered and nervously open his mouth.

"I-I...look I'm sorry for bothering you on your session but I felt my foot lead me here so I followed my instinct when I heard your beautiful voice so I waste no time to listen through them so here I am peeking secretly behind." Fr. Kim answered shyly earned a giggle from Jessica who covered her mouth because of his stuttering.

"What?" Fr. Kim furrowed his brows when he saw disrespect from the girl with a golden voice.

"You're such a cutie, Fr. Kim." Jessica said cheerfully and surprise him with a peck on his blushing cheeks before he was left dumbfounded.

"You're totally screwed." Fr. Kwon snorted when Fr. Kim tells him another sinful story with his precious golden voice girl.

"Yeah, you know what I think I'm falling inlove with this girl, Fr. Kwon." Fr. Kim said seriously while Kwon Yuri facepalmed himself that it was something serious made Kim Taeyeon kicked out from being a respective priest of the town.

"What are we doing here, Father Kim?" Jessica asked suspiciously when Kim Taeyeon bring her to his apartment that he needed some help from the girl as an excuse.

"I have to tell you something Jessica but I'm afraid it would ruin our both reputation so I tried hard to concealed it in myself but now it's really killing me inside and now I'm standing infront of you to confessed my sin with God." Taeyeon stated nervously when he saw the girl with her expressionless face makes it more worse.

"God, just be straight to the point here Father Kim stop being a chicken, do you love me or not? So I can be sure if my love for you was unrequited." Jessica confessed as tears falling from her eyes made Taeyeon gasped.

"I love you, Jessica Jung I really do." Kim Taeyeon finally admitted while Jessica stay rooted sobbing infront of him as she covered her face, they both scared that they have sinful feelings towards each other that leads them to a huge pit of trouble.

"I'll quit." Jessica informed the head of choir brigade of their church because she had an intimate relatuonship with someone and worse a priest.

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