Ko Ko Bop

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Title: Ko Ko Bop
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Rays of sunlights piercing through the windowpane of someone elses house while two bodies lying in the middle of the almost empty living room, different kinds of illegal substances, ecstacy, or whatever it was, just name one with corresponding colors depends of what your body needed and makes you high in the cloud nine. One of the them slowly waking from her high leaving a weak smile on lips with half-eyes closed before she looked through another presence beside her with the same feeling of being overdose, she picks up the a colorful tablet not too far from her reach before she take it without a second thought, suddenly her adrenaline rush took control over her body filled with too much butterflies, she feels like she lifted to the air, she felt light-headed for a moment before she closed her eyes letting the substances runs through her vein when she felt a hand over her shoulder knowing who it was she didn't bother to look, keeping her eyes closed but not too long, she felt her lips was being captured by a soft one. The sober blonde keeps on tasting what's inside the black jet hair woman's mouth when she tastes a sweet taste of being high all over again, she keeps on circling her tongue tugging into another soft muscle inside, they battling who will win in the end.

"I-I l-like your taste, love." The blonde whisper in between the kisses before she was her back pressed into the ground with a gentle force. The black-haired woman trapping her while she left butterfly kisses all over the exposed skin of the blonde, leaving a visible hickeys here and there but the high inside them keeps them alive and kicking with another strong waves of pleasure. Jessica's ragged breath made Taeyeon more aggressive to helped the blonde through her awaited climax, she nibbled on her ear, grazing her teeth into each piercings made her feel so kinky but the black-haired won't stop attacking her prey and keeps on doing her job.

"Love... Please... Just don't tease and go down on me... Angh!" The blonde slightly whimpered under her control, she smile before she tossed the only fabric left on Jessica's earthly body full of tattoos, an image of a butterfly on her right arm, cherry blossoms in vines on her collarbone and Taeyeon's name under her breast were now visible into another one's sight. What a beautiful sight. Taeyeon thought.

"Take me higher...love. Ugh, yes, right there, you're doing good. Ahh!" Jessica moans in pleasure while Taeyeon keeps on nibbling at her smooth porcelain neck while her naughty hands roaming around the blonde's body. The feathery touches makes her shivers underneath her spine, the hot sensation of her lips trailing down in between her bosoms before she engulfed the exciting buds inside her warm mouth alternately, the horny Tae was the best one after she finished them, her tongue proceeded to trail down leaving a trace of saliva, she stopped in the navel to teased the almost dying in pleasure woman.

"As you wish, princess..." Taeyeon continue her work as she reached the kokobop that she loves. She sniff the scent of the real ecstacy which makes the both of them got excited, her head was spinning by just smelling without a further ado, she licks, nibbles and pleasures the writhed woman underneath her power. Once she's satisfied on wetting the treasure, she make sure her finger will insert easily without having a problem and as the first penetration takes place, Jessica's high-pitch voice boom throughout the emptiness of the house.

"I love your kokobop hon..." Taeyeon using another term makes the both of them turned on by words. She keeps on pleasuring her using her finger as a tool to reach her climax and in a maximum speed, she pumped faster and harder, crushing into the waves, skin to skin before she ended in a hard blow with the last waves of pleasures.

"Oh, God yeah... You're so perfect Jessica." Taeyeon stopped immediately when Jessica reaches her most awaited climax while slowly pulling back the black-haired into a passionate kiss that will tastes the kokobop inside her mouth.

"Let's get going down baby for another round...Shall we baby?" Jessica whispered into her ears before they took another substance with a high amount of dosage for another round of escapade.

"YAH! KIM TAEYEON! WAKE UP!" Taeyeon jolted up from her deep slumer when a slapped on hwr face wakes her up in the middle of their group recordings. The poor leader fell asleep without her knowing since she only slept for an hour or two, the culprit felt sorry for hitting her hard but she left no choice because their leader seems to be a deep sleeper when she took high dosage of her medication.

"I'm only dreaming? But why it felt so good like it was some kind of reality?" Taeyeon questioned herself before she stares at the blonde who slapped her awhile ago. Jessica looks back at her quizzically before a smirk formed from the blonde's lips gesturing her that something strange will happen between them.

"Do you want some kokobop?" Jessica asked but in a low monotone voice not wanting everyone to hear except from the leader with her eyes widen from shock.

"I-I d-do l-like some kokobop!" Taeyeon accidentally blurted out without a second thought turned the blonde to pulled her into an empty storage room while taking out a violet pill from her jeans pocket placing it in between her red lips they both shared the substance in one gulp. Slowly lifting up the blonde's short skirt, her hand managed to went inside without having interruptions, feeling the wetness on the panties, Taeyeon felt more arouse to continue stripping her off and one by one Jessica's clothes carelessly thrown somewhere else.

"So it wasn't just a dream..." Taeyeon grin while thinking before she devours her real kokobop.

The end.

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