Golden Sky

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Title: Golden Sky
Genre: Genderbender, Romance, Angst, Slice Of Life
Character: Taeyeon & Jessica

Spending most of his life at the hospital, Taeyeon suffers from heart ailment since baby and now he was already 10 years old still left alone with nurses that sometimes he intend to sneak outside from his private ward from boredom until he met a girl named Sooyeon who was also a patient at the next door, he learned that she suffered from leukemia but defending herself that it was a minor and could be cured. He was convinced because the girl was too energetic and bubbly whenever they were sharing a small conversation then he was offered to stay at her room when her parents already left for home. They're talking about some stuffs and even telling him about her school experience so he hope that he could play baseball sometimes because he loves it and Sooyeon happily accepted his request.

One night, he heard the nurses ans doctors running towards the room next door that he was sure that it's Sooyeon's ward. He hopped off from his bed to see what's going on outside, peeking at the small creak of the sliding door, he watched the nurses running towards the operating room and when he opened his door, he went to the room next door and spotted Sooyeon smiling at him as she was sitting on her bed.

"C'mon Taengoo we have some little adventure to do outside, wanna come?" Taeyeon nodded vigorously at Sooyeon's offer so he was literally dragged outside without anyone noticing them.

Sooyeon went to a secret place where she could hide the baseball bat that her brother lend to her for a day, Taeyeon watched her with excitement as the latter handed him the thing he loves to touch and play and now they were at the open field of the hospital's playground. Sooyeon teaches him how to pitch and swing the bat to hit the target and once Taeyeon got them, they're playing nonstop that he didn't felt exhausted at the moment he spend with the latter who was playing happily and after an hours of their time together,  Sooyeon stopped and asked him to get back at the hospital before the sunshine then he obliged telling her that they continue their secret adventure tomorrow and they went to their respective room for a peaceful sleep.

"Where's Sooyeon?" Taeyeon asked the nurse who was cleaning Sooyeon's bed after he entered his new friend's room. The nurse smiles at him bitterly until an old man appeared behind engulfing Taeyeon into a warm embrace. He was invited by the man outside and introduces himself as Sooyeon's father, they we're sitting at the bench outside the hospital where they could watched the children playing at the playground where he remembered their little sneaky adventure and he smile at the thought.

"I assume you were Taeyeon, right?" Mr. Jung asked the little boy who was fidgeting at his spot,  he only nods and the old man smiled. He thought that the boy was afraid of him because of how he act towards him.

"I'm Joseph Jung, Sooyeon's father and I'm afraid that you'll be saddened by the news of her passed away last night." Mr. Jung couldn't hold his tears and suddenly falls from his eyes. Taeyeon who was still trying to put his words together to finally grasped the idea, the words got into him as he was now joining the old man mourns for his only child.

The beautiful view of Seoul City was a perfect inspiration for a 30 year old, Kim Taeyeon,  a resident doctor of Seoul General Hospital who was finally living a healthy lifestyle after being cured from his heart ailment and now watching the sky full of stars as he recalls his childhood memories that still fresh at the back of his mind, a certain girl granted his hopeful wish on that unfateful night still remained. He smile bitterly as he was holding a baseball cap which Mr. Jung gave to him the day after Sooyeon passed away, the old man said that his daughter personally sewed his name at the cap, he unconsciously walked outside and headed to the now empty playground and searching for the girl's secret place, surprisingly he found an old bat and pulled it out from its container. He was walking towards the middle of the dusty playground and spotted Sooyeon who was waving her hand happily at him remaining at her young age as a kid, he quickly approached with the bat on his hand while he's wearing his favorite baseball cap.

"Why took you so long to come here I'm patiently waiting for you, Taengoo?" Sooyeon asked the doctor as soon he was now standing beside her, they we're looking above to see the sky turns into a golden one.

"The sky remains the same like the day you grant my wish." Taeyeon spoke as he secretly glancing at Sooyeon whom he admires back then.

"Thank you for coming, I didn't got the chance to say my descent goodbye after my leave so I will take this chance to give it to you." Sooyeon tilted her head sideways before she leaned for a kiss on a cheek to her first childhood love. Taeyeon who was surprise finally composed himself as he returned a heartfelt smile towards her, the image of Sooyeon slowly faded into a twinkling thin yellow dust that looks like a fireflies until she was nowhere to be found.

"I forgot to asked her of what name would be fit for my soon to be born daughter." Taeyeon sighed disappointedly when a piece of yellow note left beside him where Sooyeon sitted awhile ago that caught his attention and silently read the scribbled letters from the paper.

"Jessica." Taeyeon smiled when he looked again to the golden sky full of stars.

The end.

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