11:11 [TaengSic Ver.]

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Title: 11:11

Genre: Genderbender, Romance, Angst

Characters: Taeyeon & Jessica

Two people staying inside their shared apartment and nothing left for them to do, they're spending their leisure time on their own, Taeyeon is busy playing with his phone, the new application he had downloaded last week, he's too focused yet he kept glancing at the girl sitting not too far from her on the floor, she's working on piles of paperworks she brought home last night because she's putting too much effort on this upcoming event and they're rarely spending time with each other though they're living under the same roof, they hardly seen each other aside from eating dinner in silence because they tired and not in a mood to speak, he's wondering if they we're still inlove or they're only holding into a 7 years old commitment not putting into waste. Jessica on the other hand, is thinking the same but afraid to open up with him because she's confused whether the man she love before is still the same, she knew their relationship is slowly sinking because of the less time spending on each other's arm but she chose to kept mum over the unfold issue.

"Sica." The voice snapped her out of her reverie and look at him, his eyes is not the same as before, no love and spark from them. 

She sighed and put down her eyeglasses before she leaned on his direction.

"I think it isn't working." Taeyeon closes his eyes as he put down his phone on the carpeted floor and let out a heavy and unstable sigh.

"I'm thinking of the same way too." Jessica admitted as she closes her eyes too and place her cold hands into his lap.

"I've been seeing someone these past few days now." Taeyeon confessed made a pang in her heart but she hold on, she didn't see it coming.

"I will let you go if you want too." Those bitter words rolled out from her tongue but she convinced herself that they we're close of getting over from each other.

"Don't ever think I never loved you before, I still do but now as a friend." He choke on his words seeing Jessica's eyes burst into tears but she kept clenching her jaw to stopped her from breaking down.

"I'm confused if I still love you now but when you spill those words, my heart ache."

"I hope you'll be over me now because I couldn't save this, us and I'm sorry if I couldn't fulfill my promise to keep you forever, to make you happy and gave you a family." Taeyeon caresses her face with his thumb and trace until it landed on her jawline.

"You still fulfill your one promise to me." Jessica muttered under her breath and it didn't caught by Taeyeon because he's still lost on his own world.

"I loved you, Sooyeon-ah." Taeyeon tear up and engulfed her into his warmth embrace.

"I want you to kiss me before you go, Taengoo." Jessica said sadly and it break her heart.

"Araesso." They kissed each other passionately for the last time like it was the end of the world.

"I will go now, don't wait for me, I'll stay with her tonight." Jessica nodded and Taeyeon picking up his things with his coat placed on their sofa, stepping his foot outside yet his eyes never left her whose finally breaking into tears before he closes the door carefully. His heart cleanched but he didn't want to add and worsen pain for both of them.

"Thank you for the wonderful present, Taengoo." Jessica caresses her tummy as she wipe her tears and continued her work.

The end.

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