Chapter 2: Lost Toys and Grumpy Days

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 2: Lost Toys and Grumpy Days

When Marco said life was about to get interesting he didn't know just how right he was.

Luffy was a happy baby who only cried when he had absolutely no other choice meaning for things such as diaper duty and , if you caught those things in time his crying could be cut down drastically. Pops had appointed Marco his care taker seeing how he was the first to take the child from Dragon.

Marco wanted to protest that he was too busy being the first division commander but every other commander had either disappeared or pretended they couldn't help. Thatch being his best friend and fellow commander knew that if Marco was stuck on Luffy duty then he might as well be as well.

"Does he ever stop eating?" Thatch wined the baby was just finishing off his second bottle that morning.

"Well, he is a D. He's going to eat a lot regardless-yoi" Marco muttered wondering just where that food was going.

"Still it's as if he's always hungry!" Thatch pouted but smiled at the brat who had just put himself into a milk coma.

"Looks like we might be set for at least 3 hours." Vista said from the wall he was leaning on.

"Yeah only for him to wake up and want more food-yoi" Marco chuckled looking at the now sleeping baby fondly.


It had been months since Dragon had come and dropped the baby off and the mood on the crew had changed. Everyone couldn't help but feel charmed by the new brat on board. Luffy smiled often and laughed just as much, he babbled to everyone as if they could understand him.

This day was different though...

"He's not smiling..." Thatch had whispered. It was a rare sight to see, Luffy without his smile just didn't happen.

"Have you tried feeding him?" Haruta asked now looking down at the grumpy child.

"Yeah but he refuses to take it-yoi" Marco was worried but his lazy expression remained the same.

"What about his diaper? Maybe he's...You know..." She suggested but Marco just shook his head.

"He was fine an hour ago, he even played on the deck for a while but now I don't know..." Thatch said shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you guys think he might have lost a toy? I mean for a baby he's pretty protective of his things." Izou had said showing up to see what was going on.

"I didn't think about that –yoi" Passing the now squirming 6 month old Luffy to Thatch he made his way over towards pop's chair looking around.

"What's happening Marco?" The old man asked his son.

"Luffy's grumpy, Izou said he might have lost a toy so I'm looking around for what could be lost." He checked the area where Luffy had been sitting up playing with his blocks. He counted each one of them but realized Luffy's Stuffed reindeer was gone.

When Marco jumped up from the blocks with a look of panic on his face the old man couldn't help but laugh. His eldest son who had fought many battles never showing a hint of fear was afraid that his brother had lost his special toy.

"It's gone, no wonder he's grumpy-yoi! I'll have to talk to Izou..." He nodded towards pops who just smiled at his brat watching his run towards the gathering group.

"Well are they all there?" Vista asked trying to calm a now tearful Luffy who looked one moment away from a tantrum.

"No his reindeer is gone, Izou could you work something up, anything at all and I'll owe you-yoi!" Marco was now snatching Luffy from Vista who appeared to be making things worse.

The cross dresser just laughed before heading to his room to work on what he could for the brat.

"Luffy, Rein-chan has gone on vacation..."Thatch said to the little guy who now looked him straight in the eyes "Rein-chan won't be back for a while so he is going to send his nakama to keep you company" Luffy's eyes widened but the frown remained "He'll be here soon so be patient okay?" Luffy's eyes filled with tears but he didn't burst, not yet at least.

"I think we have until Dinner time before he loses it-yoi" Marco said with worry

"Why don't we try to distract him until then.." Vista said looking down at the little guy.

Marco carried him back over to pop's chair to play with his block again but Luffy was not interested at all. He grabbed them looked at them and threw them away with a glare.

"Okay lesson learned, when Luffy gets grumpy keep flying objects away from his angry hands" Thatch had caught a block to the knee and didn't look ready to take another.

"Let me see him." Pops had said from his chair making his son's look towards him.

"You sure pops? He's not in the best of moods?" Thatch had said in warning.

"GURARARARA let me see what I can do." Marco scooped up the baby and put him on the older man's lap. Whitebeard held Luffy up with a large hand so he could sit properly on his lap but still have his back and neck supported.

"Would you like to hear a story my son?" Luffy just looked at the older man his face blank of all emotions, whitebeard took this as his cue to get into a story for him. Luffy had paid as much attention as a baby could giving Marco and Thatch some time to think.

The time limit they had given before Luffy burst was exactly on point. Once dinner was called Luffy snapped. He cried and cried no one could stop him, not even his beloved bottle.

"He missed his first hour of feeding. He's off schedule. That and him being cranky already, we're about to have a little monster on our hands..." Thatch said rubbing his forehead. He was right Luffy cried right through the first 30 minutes of dinner before Izoucame running in with a stuffed colorful bear in his hands.

"Hey there Lu."Izou said to the little guy who stopped crying for the moment to look at the man.

"I heard Rein-chan went on vacation, he sent here Kuma-chan to keep you company until he comes back." Luffy looked at the bear in his hands before he gave a hiccup and reaching towards the toy.

"See feeling better?" He did look better his crying had all stopped and he pulled the bear close to him to hug the only thing out of place still was his lack of a smile.

"How's Luffy doing? Is he still crying?" Izou turned to see Teach of the second division walking towards them.

"His crying has stopped but he still seems a bit out of place.." Izou was now feeling worried himself.

"He be okay in a bit he just needs to get to know his new bear, Right buddy?" Thatch had said rubbing Luffy's hair.

"Zehaha sure thing, I hate seeing the kid so sad." Teach smiled before walking away.

"Don't us all-yoi." Marco agreed looking down at the child who was now smiling.

"See much better" Izou smiled grateful that his brother was going back to normal.

"He'll want food now that he's happy again, I'll go get the bottle ready." Thatch said getting up and heading towards the kitchen.

"Always smile Lu, we love it when you smile." Marco whispered into Luffy's hair while the baby cuddled his new bear.
Hey there guys it's me again. I just want to say Thank you! To each and everyone of you! Those who are following and Favorited and reviewing Thank you! I never expected to get this many people interested! I will be working on this as often as I can, I am a college student planning on graduating this April so this next little bit will be packed :) So now onto my chapter, even the happiest of people have their bad days. I wanted to show that Luffy is still Luffy and will be a bit of a cry baby, happy go lucky kind of kind that we all know and love. I introduced Teach! Did you guys notice Luffy's reaction when he left? Any ways Thanks guys Please let me know what you guys think of everything, also I still worry about not getting their characters right so if anyone feels I'm off on some let me know and I'll fix it as best as I can :) Thanks again guys! you're the best! xxxDR

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