Chapter 12: Ace Sabo and Fatherly Bonding

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 12: Ace Sabo and Fatherly Bonding

Ace was furious. The man he called gramps had decided out of now where it was time for him to be uprooted from the bandits he'd been living with and placed on marine ship heading out to sea. He was being taken away from his home, everything he had grown and come to see as his was now gone. His forest, his money, everything! He was fuming.

"Calm down, seriously." Sabo said from beside him in their hiding spot. "The old geezer'll find us!" He hissed glaring at the raven headed boy beside him. At least Sabo was there. If his friend hadn't come along he'd be even more pissed.

"Any clue yet as to where we're going?" Sabo asked making Ace look towards his friend in annoyance.

"Like I'm hanging around that old man long enough to ask anything! He'll kill me!" He said back to the blond in anger. Sabo shook his head in worry. Sure he was grateful to be taken away from his hateful parentage but he was just as confused as Ace on everything else.

"There you boys are." Said a voice from above them making their eyes widen and hearts slow down.

"Now how about we continue our training..."


Luffy was running top speed through the ship a big smile on his face.

"Pops!" He yelled laughing loudly the old man smiled in return when Luffy held up a yellow banana to his nose and said

"Look I'm just like you now!" He giggled in delight pretending to have a yellow mustache.

"GURARARARA! You need to grow a lot more to be like me brat!" He smiled allowing the kid to climb up and eat his fruit in peace. Marco had made it clear that all candy was banned from the ship due to the little hyper ball that Luffy became with a small amount of it. Instead Thatch had agreed that sweet fruits were okay. Banana's, apples, tangerines were all a welcome thing and Luffy didn't seem to mind that much. Of course that didn't stop him from asking for the sweets now missing.

"Luffy, how has you training coming along?" He asked the kid seriously Luffy had taken up training with the commanders throughout the week. He first complained about not being able to just use his bare fists to hit but got over it when his pipe arrived.

"I still keep hitting myself it's annoying!" He said puffing out his cheeks.

"GURARARA, you'll get the hang of it soon enough." He patted the small child's head.

"But I learned a new super cool move that can deflect anything!" He said cheerfully making the older man's brow raise, Luffy hoped down off his knee and sucked in air blowing himself up like a balloon.

Whitebeard couldn't help but chuckle, it was more adorable then anything but he knew not to say that.

When Luffy un-ballooned himself he smiled up at his father who smiled right back at him. Whitebeard patted his leg again letting the kid know he was to climb back up.

"Luffy. I need to talk to you about something." He said in a serious voice. Not use to be talked to like that he tried his very best to pay attention.

"Very soon we will have 2 more people joining us." He started making Luffy smile he loved having brothers and sisters the more the merrier. "They will be children around your age." The smile faltered very slightly but the older man caught it. He knew Luffy was weary around children now due to his time on that island he had hoped it would have disappeared by now. AS soon as it had fallen he pulled it back on.

"So there will be kids like me here at home? Cool!" He said excitedly and laughed but it sounded slightly forced.

"Yes you never know, you might just get along with them, why don't you try and make them your Nakama." He said catching the boy's attention. Nakama weren't just friends, weren't just family. Nakama means forever. He looked at his father figure with wide eyes willed with hope.

"Nakama..."He trailed off in wonder his worries fading away.

"Also you will meet your grandfather." He said pulling the kids eyes back.

"Grandfather? I have a grandfather?" He said with a head tilt.

"GURARA You do brat. His name is Garp, he's a marine vice admiral." Whitebeard said watching Luffy process everything that was happening.

"Marine? Aren't they the people who make Marco mad and all flamy?" Whitebeard knew he was refuring to the one time a marine shot a cannon ball too close to where Luffy was watching and Marco flamed up all blue and defensive sinking the battle ship in a matter of seconds.

"Yes, but he is your family so be nice." He said patting the kids head.

"Mn!" He nodded hoping off of Whitebeards lap.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked him with a grin.

"To the kitchen, I want more Popsnaners. They tasted great!" He said pointing to the now finished banana peel making the old man laugh loudly making the crew around him smile glad to see their father so lively and their brother bonding.

"If I'm going to be as big as you I gotta eat lots of them!" He said with his grin before running off.

"Are we sure about letting him meet Garp-yoi?" Marco said flying down from the crows nest with a look of concern on his lazy face.

"Garp is his blood family. Keeping them apart will not help. The man needs a favour this is something he would never ask for." Marco looked at the older man.

"Just be careful. You and Garp may have a peaceful relationship but if he so much as touches my brother I'll show him why I'm the first commander-yoi." Marco said jumping down from where he was and trailing off after Luffy to make sure he didn't eat all of the Banana's and everything else they had in the kitchen.

"The son of Dragon and the son of Roger on one ship. GURARARA things are about to get interesting." He smiled listening to his family all around him.


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