Chapters 61: Sabo's Dream

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapters 61: Sabo's Dream

"Find what makes you happy and go for it with all your heart. It will be hard, but I promise it will be worth it."―Charlotte Eriksson

Sabo was happy to be home that much he would admit but at the same time he felt distant from the others, almost as if he didn't quite belong. He knew his brothers wouldn't want that and were not trying to make him feel like an outsider, it was him that was causing this. It was his own feelings and thoughts that were separating him from his family and it killed him.

Luffy was acting like a captain to be and he felt proud as his big brother. He watched as the 15 year old held himself strong and even challenged his siblings while putting his complete faith in these kids he had chosen to be his Nakama.

Ace was laughing more since they had gotten home and he knew everyone had noticed the change. Ace hadn't laughed as much while traveling through the East Blue but Sabo was sure that was because the place itself brought up hard memories for him. Now that they were home Ace could relax and be himself because he fit here almost as if he was a missing piece of this family's puzzle but now it was whole again.

Sabo thought Luffy might be like Ace a missing piece of this family's huge puzzle but he found himself surprised to see Luffy was much like himself. Luffy fit in sure he had the same shape and structure to fit anywhere in this family but his colors were different. Luffy showed that even though he fit in here he very much belonged elsewhere and he wasn't afraid to shout that out to everyone. Sabo envied that about Luffy since he himself couldn't do that.

Sabo loved his family here honestly! He loved the way Thatch could always make him laugh when he wasn't feeling like smiling. He loved the seriousness of Marco but the change of personality whenever Luffy was mentioned. He also loved how Marco would always take the time to listen to whatever was on his mind no matter what. He loved how Vista would always stop whatever he was doing to show Sabo how to hold his pipe properly so he didn't hurt his back. He loved how Izou would go shopping with him whenever he needed new clothes and wasn't afraid to give him opinion on the outfit at hand. He couldn't help but laugh at the one memory of Izou nearly shooting the sales clerk for trying to over-charge him on the items. There was so much he could say about his family and all they had done for him and the amount of love he had for them but at the end of it all he still didn't feel like this is where he belonged.

"Ne pops, whenever you get a chance can I talk to you?" Sabo asked but he couldn't look up at his father. He couldn't bear to see sad eyes or gentle ones since he didn't feel he deserved them.

"Of course." He said standing up surprising Sabo since he wasn't expecting pops to want to talk right now.

"You don't have to talk now! I-I mean I can wait. It's Luffy's birthday...I'm not important-." Sabo started but stopped at the look his father was giving him.

"You're just as important as every one of my children. Luffy isn't any more special than Ace, Marco or yourself. Luffy's birthday will continue on whether we are talking or staying so let us talk for a while." He said and Sabo could only nod and follow his father away from the growing crowd.

He saw Luffy and Ace look at him so he gave them a weak smile that Ace returned but Luffy just gave Ace a look. Sabo knew that Ace knew what was happening but he had no clue about Luffy since he could be very unpredictable. Sometimes Sabo felt had Luffy all figured out and suddenly he would turn around showing a whole different side of him which made him very tricky to read at times. Sabo had been so caught up in his own mind he hadn't noticed he was now standing in front of pop's room.

"Shall we talk?" Pops asked him and Sabo nodded entering it and sitting in an old chair by the bed where pops sat down on.

"What is on your mind, son?" He asked Sabo who was almost shaking with nerves.

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