Chapter 15: And Thus They Have Met

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 15: And Thus They Have Met

"Boys do you have everything ready?" Garp asked them looking down at the pair. Ace rolled his eyes and Sabo grinned. They both had no idea what was going on just that they were being sent away from the ship that had imprisoned them for the past month and a half.

"Where are we going? You haven't told us anything!" Sabo asked in annoyance to the old man then stepped closer to Ace in case he decided to punch him.

"You're going to be staying with...Somewhere safe." He said looking in the distance where a large ship was starting to appear. Ace's eyes caught sight of the giant ship and widened.

"That's a pirate ship..."His voice trailed off. He wanted to be a pirate someday, go out to sea make himself a name of his own, a name bigger than his fathers. But lately he and Sabo had had some trouble with pirates back on Dawn Island. Their treasure fund was nearly stolen by a pirate named Bluejam. They robbed one of his goons and he came after them. Fortunately their treasure was safe but their dislike grew when the man tried to burn down the Grey terminal.

Sabo had bad memories of that time. His father had come to take him home days before it happened, threatening Ace and making Sabo believe leaving his friend was the best option. On the night they burned the Grey Terminal Sabo had escaped with plans to go out to sea that morning and be free but his plan drastically changed when he bumped into Ace who was running for his life away from the fire. Ace had listened to Sabo's plan called him stupid then hit him over the head and said he should wait till they were older! Sabo didn't want to admit it but in his panic and desperation to get away from his family he wasn't thinking straight. Ace luckily got him thinking again. Weeks later Garp showed up said he was taking them to be trained and here they were heading towards a pirate ship.

"Remember boys pirates are not to be trusted, understand?" Garp asked his arms crossed over his chest and looking straight ahead as they grew ever closer to the ship.

"Mnn." Both boys said quietly also looking ahead. They were excited but terrified at the exact same time. What if they attacked? What if they threw them off the ship when Garp left, what if..?

"Oi! Permission to board?" Garp called up to the crew that was surrounding the area where the captain must be.

"Permission granted."A loud voice called and Garp pushed the boys ahead of him up a ladder onto a large ship. Ace's eyes widened as he took in his surroundings so this was a real pirate ship! It was nothing like BlueJam's dying ship back home! His excitement was growing.

"I gave you the details over the phone Whitebeard." Garp said standing behind the boys Ace turned swiftly and looked at his Gramps what did he tell this pirate about him?! Did he already know about his parentage?! Garp didn't look anyway from Whitebeard who grinned at the man under his large mustache.

"Of course." He turned his eyes to the boys "Welcome children." He said to them who looked up at him Sabo bowed low pushing Ace down with him.

"Polite Brats..."He chuckled. Garp sighed in relief that Ace didn't act out this one time.

"Then I'll be leaving..."He said turning away but Whitebeard called him back.

"There is one more thing I need to talk to you about..." Garp's eye brow raised in confusion he thought everything would be taken care of.

"7 years ago your son called me requesting to meet." Whitebeard said looking over the man in front of him. Garp's eyes widened.

"Dragon?!" He decided to give the older pirate his full attention this time. Ace and Sabo were curious they didn't know the old man had a son.

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