Chapter 16: I Hate You Marco!

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 16: I Hate You Marco!

"So how long have you lived here?" Sabo asked Luffy who was giving them a tour of the ship.

"Mmmm, my whole life I guess. I don't remember ever really leaving the ship." Luffy said smiling while Sabo just nodded his head in understanding. He figured that if he could get as much information out of the kid the better.

"You've been here your whole life and you're still that weak?" Ace scoffed glaring at Luffy. Luffy puffed his cheeks.

"I'm totally strong!" He yelled back making the raven head roll his eyes and smirk.

"Then prove it!" He grinned.

"Fine! I'm going to show you a super amazing thing that pops said was amazing!" He said catching their interest. Luffy sucked in a bunch of air blowing himself up like a balloon. Pops had said it was cool so it must be! He thought excitedly.

Ace's smile faltered as an idea formed in his head that brought it back.

"Hey Sabo hit him over here!" Ace said punching Luffy towards Sabo who looked doubtful but punched him back any ways. Luffy was being passed back and forth like a ball between the two while Luffy tried to tell them to stop all while holding in the air still. Ace hit Luffy a little too hard and he bounced over board and into the water.

"Shit! He'll be fine though right?" Ace said looking down at the water where the kid should be resurfacing, when he didn't they started to get worried. Looking at each other they knew they couldn't just leave him to die so they did the next best thing.

"HELP!" Ace and Sabo screamed causing everyone on deck to freeze up and Marco to fly down from where he was resting.

"What's wrong-yoi?" He said looking around for the danger.

"Mr. Pineapple head! The kid Luffy fell in the water!" Sabo shouted causing a tick to form on Marco's head in annoyance before he realized what they said.

"Namur! Luffy's fallen over board-yoi!" Marco shouted getting the Fishman to nod his head and jump in the water after him. Once Namur was back on deck with the 7 year old Marco began to pump the water out of Luffy's mouth.

"What the hell Lu? You know you can't swim-yoi!" Marco was worried and releasing it as anger.

"I..."Luffy started.

"What happened?" Thatch said coming to check on things.

"Luffy fell overboard, how exactly did that happen-yoi?" Marco gave the two kids a suspicious glare that made them kick their feet a bit and not look at the man.

"W-we were playing!" Sabo said looking down.

"Yeah it was an accident!" Ace shouted returning Marco the glare.

"Is that true Luffy?" Thatch asked the little boy knowing he couldn't lie.

"Y-Yeah, we were just playing." Luffy replied. It wasn't a complete lie since they were playing it just wasn't the nice playing he wanted.

"Hmmm...Why don't you come play somewhere else for a while Luffy, maybe I can ready you a story-yoi."Marco said taking Luffy's hand and trying to lead him away from the group.

"Noo! I want to play more with my new friends!" He shouted towards the man who wanted Luffy some where he could keep an eye on him. Luffy knew that if he left his friends they would think weird things about him!

"Luffy it will be fun, come play with me for a while, we'll do whatever you want-yoi." Again he tried to lead him away from Thatch and the boys. Thatch raised his eye brow at Marco, he knew the man was protective but he had hoped he would give Luffy the chance to try this out.

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