Chapter 50: Bandits and Tattoos

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 50: Bandits and Tattoos

"Friendship is really the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love."―Jane Austen

Ace was sitting on the bed that had been built for the boys the day before completely wide awake. The marines that shared the ship-much to the boy's annoyances- decided that giving them hammocks caused more of a problem then just building them a sturdy bed. Luffy sure wasn't complaining as he was stretched over Sabo drooling on his pillow and snoring away the night. It was around 7 AM meaning they would be getting up officially soon but Ace chose to let his brothers rest. The reason he was awake was because he was over thinking.

Ace wasn't sure how the meeting with the bandits would go whether they would be happy to see him again or not. They didn't get along well in the past as it was so his hopes of a friendly reunion weren't that fantastic. He knew the forest he lived in as well wasn't the safest place in the world-what with a giant bear and a monster tiger guarding the forest and all. Ace knew especially that Luffy and bears were forbidden now.

Marco had made it clear that the two were to remain separate at all times unless they favored a bear coat. Ace didn't mind it that much; maybe they'd beat the bear here to prove to Marco that bears didn't stand a chance against their brother now. Maybe Marco would let up a bit if Luffy took down one super strong one, or on the off chance Luffy did beat the bear and Marco still decided to take his head for putting the boy in danger...Was it worth the risk? Marco could be darned right out scary when Luffy was in any sort of danger, than again so could he... Ace shook his head trying to not once again over think everything around him.

"Ace?" Sabo slowly opened his eyes as the sun began to shine through their window onto the bed.

"Yeah?" He asked looking down at Sabo who pushed the sleeping boy over some so he could sit up.

"What time is it?" Sabo rubbed the sleep out of his eyes though he felt unsure if he would go back to bed or not depending on the time.

"Around 7 or 8 it's still early." Ace replied looking at the sleeping boy who had decided to remove his pajama shirt and cuddle it instead through the night.

"Why's he sleeping without his shirt?" Ace asked Sabo who shrugged and smiled.

"Said it smelt like Shanks." Sabo said and Ace raised a brow but pegged it off to being one of Luffy's weird moments.

"Should we get him up and head to see Makino?" Sabo asked before a smile crept on his face.

"Is that why you're awake? Couldn't stand the thought of sleeping away from your beautiful Makino.." Sabo asked Ace but got a pillow thrown in his face a moment later by said man.

"Shut up and wake up Luffy." He scowled but blushed anyways stupid feelings and girls being stupidly cute.

"Whatever you say... Mr. Romeo." Sabo chuckled as Ace shot the blond yet another glare. Once Luffy was awake and ready to go the boys made their way to the tavern where Makino had just begun to start making breakfast.

"Ah! Good morning!" She called out to them as they waved and sat down.

"Morning'" They greeted back to her. Makino began to set plates of food in front of each boy and smiled when they gave looks of joy towards their meals.

"Thanks for the meal!" They called before digging in.

"So did you boys sleep well?" She asked leaning down on the table.

"Mn! That was the best sleep I've had since I left home! The clothes you gave us they smelled like Shanks!" Luffy said before eating more toast. Makino smiled but her eyes widened before becoming soft.

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