Chapter 6: Don' Wanna! and Needles

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 6: Don' Wanna! and Needles

It was just before dinner when a loud crash could be heard below deck, a bunch of swearing was heard quickly afterwards and a naked four year old was running past everyone to hide behind Pops.

"LUFFY!" Thatch had yelled running after the fast kid. "Stop hiding behind Pops and take your bath!" Thatch was soaking wet and covered in bubbles his shirt missing and he was only wearing a pair of shorts.

"Don' wanna Thatchy!" He shouted and stuck his tongue out at the man Luffy climbed up to Pop's lap hoping he was safe there. Luffy had been painting 2 hours previously and made quite a mess. Messes needed to be cleaned up and Luffy needed a bath.

"Luffy, you're dripping rainbows all over Pop's chair! Don't make me climb up there!" Thatch was serious and Luffy knew this so he snuggled into the older man a little closer.

"Luffy, Listen to your brother." The old man said patting his head with his large hand.

"Don' wanna!"He looked up at Pops giving the big eyes thankfully whitebeard knew to look away.

"If you don't get down here I'll tell Marco what all that paint was for!" Thatch said to the boy who turned his head quickly his eyes widened.

"Nu uh! You said you wouldn't! You helped!" He shouted to his brother before he wiped the yellow off his nose.

"You did most of the work!" Thatch argued with the kid.

"But you still helped!" Luffy shouted back the argument went for a bit longer before Thatch realized he was arguing with a four year old.

"Screw it; you're getting your bath!" Thatch had planned to climb up there but Luffy started to climb higher.

"Luffy, why don't we make a deal. You take a bath now and I'll tell you a story right afterwards." Pops said to the kid who stopped climbing to listen to him.

"Story now, bath later?" Luffy asked him but Whitebeard shook his head.

"Bath now story after, your brother is right you're dripping a rainbow everywhere, go and be fast son." Pops said picking the boy up and giving him to Thatch.

Luffy grumbled but accepted his fate for this week.

"Be fast Thatchy! I want story now!" He demanded to his brother who rolled his eyes and thanked his pops. Once Thatch had Luffy down below deck everyone thought they'd have quiet for a few moments at least while the brat was being bathed, how wrong they were.

"THATCH-YOI!" Marco yelled before stomping towards the main deck.

"Where is he-yoi!" He glared at everyone who knew better than to fight an angry Marco.

"Better question, where's Luffy?" He looked towards pops and saw the paint.

"He was here wasn't he-yoi?" He stated and waited for a crew member to answer him.

"He's giving the brat a bath, he's covered in paint. I'm guessing you know why he is like that." Vista asked from the railing he was leaning against.

"Yeah he painted my room every color he could find. I'm guessing he had Thatch's help since the paints everywhere and Luffy only has a limited reach-yoi." He stated unhappily before walking towards the bathroom to confront his prankster brothers.

"Never for a moment can we get quiet around here.." Another crew mate said but he voiced it with fondness for no one would have it any other way.

Luffy was in tears this time and Marco was trying not to laugh.

"It's just a little prick and it will be all over-yoi."Marco said while trying to hide his smile.

"I don' wanna!" Luffy shouted at the nurse trying to calm him down while Marco sat in a chair beside him.

"Luffy, you need to get your big boy needles so you don't get sick." The nurse said kindly to him.

"I don' Wanna!" He repeated only louder.

"Just where in the world did he learn that phrase!?" Thatch murmured getting tired of Luffy new favourite words.

"I wish I knew –yoi." Marco said rubbing his forehead but still smiling.

"Luffy how about this, get your big boy needle and I'll give you some candy." Thatch said to the kid making him smile but Marco wanted nothing to do with that.

"If you give him sugar he's yours. I can't deal with a hyper Luffy-yoi." Marco said after learning his lesson the last time Lu had sugar.

"Not going to help me are you?" Thatch asked him with a crooked grin.

"Nope, this one's all yours. I haven't forgiven you yet for my room-yoi." He said side glancing at the man.

"Marco is a cranky bastard!" Luffy cheered then scowled as the nurse gave him the needle.

"And just where did he learn that one-yoi?" This time Marco was fully facing a now sweating Thatch.

"Thatch said that! Then we painted your room!" Luffy told the man while Thatch paled.

"Luffy! You weren't supposed to say that!" He whined to the child.

"Oops." He giggled and took the sucker from the nurse before bolting out the door. Marco sighed before slapping his friend on the back of the head.

"Whatever. Go get the brat. I wasn't kidding when I said he's yours to deal with-yoi." Marco stood up and walked out of the room.

The kid was bouncing off the walls after that little of sugar, never again. Once the candy was gone it was not coming back. Marco planned to write that down in his books to constantly remind himself.

"Wait up Marco! I was thinking it's about time we start teaching him to swim." Thatch ran to catch up with his friend. Marco raised his eyes brow further.

"He's four now that's a perfect age to start. I mean he's normal like me and not a freak like you so he should be able to learn." Thatch said off handily making Marco close his eyes in annoyance.

"And why am I the freak in all of this? Have you seen how normal you actually aren't –Yoi!?" Marco said before walking faster away.

"So you don't think it's a good idea?" He asked Marco who just sighed.

"I never said that-yoi. I'll talk with Namur you talk with Pops, sound good?" Thatch smiled and ran off to find Luffy and Pops.

"Never a dull moment around here is it-yoi?" He said smiling he'll be five in a few months kids really do grow up too fast don't they? He couldn't help but let his smile grow. "Maybe we should start teaching him to fight as well..." He thought out loud another reminder to write in his book, oh well it's not like he's that busy running his division or anything. With that he headed towards his cabin to finish his work.

Hey there, honestly don't know if this is a good chapter or not, it's been a super long week -_-; Ah well, Luffy is growing Faster! As much as I love him being a baby I want him to start growing, start becoming independent and a bit crazier. Luffy is known to hate needles and anything that makes him uncomfortable so that brought me to the big boy needles :) and he hates baths since he will be a fruit user. I know this is following a new world where Lu is on the Moby Dick but I still kinda want to keep things normal and not so normal (yeah I know a contradiction) Luffy will eat the Gomu Gome no mi. Spoiler!(But not really..)I like that fruit and I think it suits him. I've had a few questions about Ace and Sabo; yeah I do plan to work them in somehow. I'm working on a few ideas but it won't be for a bit. Please, please do remember this is an AU. I am following a lot of normal Op stuff but I will be changing things as I go. If the story followed every op awesomeness that already existed that would be boring. Anyways, I'll let you guys go, Thanks again for the kind reviews and all the alerting and favouiting! It means more to me then you all know! -xxxDR

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