Chapter 8: Romance Dawn Part 2

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 8: Romance Dawn Part 2

"Oi, what are you doing Anchor?" Shanks said to Luffy who had been exploring the red force with the captain.

"I'm going to prove to you I'm as strong as any pirate!" Luffy exclaimed holding a knife in his hands.

"Right, you're just a brat still, come on down and I'll get you a glass of juice." Shanks said to Luffy who just glared at the captain.

"I'll prove it!" He steadied his hands and pointed the knife towards his face. Shanks laughed and dared him to do something hoping the kid actually wouldn't. Luffy did, he stabbed himself just below his left eye blood coming from the wound and Luffy screaming made everyone stand on edge and Shanks panicked.

"You dumb ass!" He shouted and ran towards the kid picking him up and throwing the knife on the ground a chorus of Shit racing through his head. Using his shirt he tried to stop the bleeding while calling his doctor to fix the mess. Luffy ended up getting two stiches but he didn't lose his eye.

"It didn't hurt at all." Luffy said proudly while Marco was giving Shanks a lecture.

"Right, then what were those tears for?" Shanks teased tuning Marco out who was completely pissed off.

"How did he even get the knife in the first place –yoi?!" He said to Shanks who rolled his eyes and turned back to Marco to argue his case. During that time Luffy began to look around.

"Ne Luffy, that was pretty crazy of you! You could have hurt yourself worse! The captain was really worried about you." Yasopp said to Luffy bringing his attention back the kid just rolled his eyes.

"Then why does he make fun of me?!" He argued to the sniper.

"Because he cares and he doesn't know how to deal with children. If you were my son Usopp I would have handled it much differently! You know you're about the same age as my boy! I left him back with my wife in a small village in the East Blue. You and him would get along well I can see it! He looks just like my wife even got her nose!" Yasopp laughed and continued on about his son. Luffy listened for a while but got bored and decided to look around the Galley.

"I'm hungry..." He muttered to himself Ben had stepped in hoping to calm the phoenix down before he killed the captain and Yasopp had grabbed one of his Nakama aside to continue his talk about Usopp.

"Ne what's this?" Luffy said opening a small trunk that had been set aside in the galley of the red force. Seeing it was a medium sized fruit and his stomach was growling he shrugged his shoulders and took a bite. If his stomach wasn't growling so loudly he would have spat the fruit out, but food was food and never to be wasted. Thatch had taught him to eat everything on his plate, not like he needed to be taught that though.

"Oi Luffy whatcha doing over there?" Lucky asked realizing that the kid had been too quiet. Getting Luffy's attention he smiled back at the man.

"Eating, but this food tastes nasty!" He said in return making the cook realize what Luffy had been eating.

"Oi-oi!" he shouted making Marco and Shanks look his way their brows raised.

"Captain I think we have a problem...Luffy just ate our devil fruit!" He said making both men pale then panic.

Shanks was the first to react he jumped up grabbing Luffy turning him upside down and shook him trying to get him to spit up the fruit.

"Throw it up, spit it up I don't care just get it all out of your stomach brat!" while he was shaking Luffy his legs stretched and the kid face planted the floor. Shanks paled further while Marco just rubbed his forehead in annoyance, it was one thing after another.

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