Chapter 54: Zeff, smoke and dreams

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 54: Zeff, smoke and dreams

"From the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. I was dominated, soul, brain and power."―Oscar Wilde

A five year old Luffy was just waking up from a nap when his stomach demanded him to find his big brother instantly to get his afternoon snack. Wandering the ship's deck he found his brother staring out over the ocean's waves a small gentle smile on his face and a dreamy look in his eyes.

"Thatchy food!" Luffy demanded pulling on the man's white pressed coat making the man turn his brown eyes down to the little boy.

"Did you have a good rest Lu?" Thatch asked the boy picking him up and sitting him on the railing.

"Mn, I dreamt that Ma was secretly a pineapple!" Luffy said happily making the man laugh loudly.

"You never know kid, he just might be..."Thatch said trying to hold back more laughter as Luffy's eyes widened.

"We need to tell him then!" Luffy said seriously worried that Marco didn't know he was actually a living pineapple.

"I think he's fine kid." Thatch chuckled as Luffy began to pout.

"Stingy." Luffy looked up at Thatch who was looking back at the sea.

"What cha thinkin' about?" Luffy asked him and Thatch smiled once again.

"Ne Lu, have you ever heard of the all blue?"

"So how was your adventure?" Garp asked the kid who was stuffing his face with meat happy to have such good food around him.

"Mmm it was fun!" He said happily thinking of Zoro and Nami. Luffy had always had brothers but never friends.

"You made a friend?" Sabo asked hesitantly and Luffy stopped eating as a grin filled his face.

"My best friends." Sabo wasn't sure how he felt about that. Luffy had always been just his and Ace's they had never had to share him before with anyone-Marco doesn't count.

"What are they like?" Ace asked feeling much the same way as Sabo.

"Well you met Nami; she's pretty and smart! She saved me from the ocean when I fell in!" Luffy said and Garp laughed.

"It appears that I missed out on a pretty girl." Ace looked at Sabo funny before leaning over towards him.

"If Marco ever finds out he's interested in a girl-."Ace started but Sabo elbowed him

"He never said he was interested-." Sabo interrupted him rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, if Marco ever found out he's hanging out with a girl he'd probably freak." Ace chuckled knowing just how protective the man was.

"She's a bit scary though." Luffy continued on thinking of how angry should could get "And greedy! She loves money!" Luffy finished thinking over Nami fully.

"So that's why she demanded me to pay her..." Sabo scowled remembering how he gave her the rest of his cash.

"Yeah, even though I gave her a crown already!" Luffy exclaimed and Ace's smile grew slyer.

"Not interested huh?" Sabo frowned slightly knowing Marco wasn't going to like this at all.

"What about your other friend?" Sabo asked remembering Luffy said he had two new friends and frankly he was tired of the girl talk already.

"Hm? His name is Zoro! He's really strong! Someday we're going to set sail." Luffy said happily and Garp raised his brow.

"Set sail? Where to Luffy?" He asked the boy who missed the danger in his voice.

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