Chapters 57: Home, Smoke, and Liars

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapters 57: Home, Smoke, and Liars

"Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over."-Octavia Butler

Marco was anxious and it was clear to see. Since the moment the brothers had left Marco had felt the winds of change blowing through and frankly, they were rather cold. Something had been nagging him in the back of his mind that things were about to change.

"Lighten up Buddy!" Thatch said throwing an arm around Marco's shoulders but Marco couldn't something was weird.

"They'll be fine, have faith in them and in Garp...." Vista said to Marco as well but once again Marco couldn't shake the feeling that something was changing. That was when they first left a month and a half ago now Marco knew his suspicions on change were correct.

"He said he has a new family now-yoi." Marco said to Thatch when no one was near. Sometimes he felt more secure just talking with the chef.

"He's fourteen Marco; don't you remember what you were like at fourteen?" Thatch asked him and he shook his head

"No, not really...That was a very long time ago-yoi." Thatch didn't miss the sadness on Marco's face or in his voice at all.

"Well I do! And let me tell you I was the worst little shit you'd ever meet." Thatch said and Marco smiled

"I don't doubt it-yoi." Marco laughed quietly and Thatch tried to hide his smile with feigned anger.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He asked showing shock but Marco saw the grin and couldn't stop himself from grinning back.

"He's also making friends Marco and that's a good thing last time I checked." Thatch reminded him

"I knew he could, Luffy can make friends of anyone if he wanted to. He was just too young to know how-yoi." Marco remembered the sadness Luffy had over not having friends and it still broke his heart.

"One of them is a girl." Thatch smiled and Marco rolled his eyes.

"Luffy's never been interested in girls-yoi." Marco said as if pointing out the obvious and Thatch just laughed.

"He's fourteen Marco, he may not have been interested before but he might be now." He said and Marco paled at the thought.

"I'm not ready for this conversation Thatch-yoi." Marco said putting his face in his hands trying to keep calm.

"Maybe that can be a conversation for pops?" Thatch said not really wanting to have that conversation with Luffy either or really any of the brothers.

"If we ever need to have it-yoi." Marco said and Thatch laughed.

"He may be young but he is still a man Marco he'll need it, and Ace is apparently interested in girls now as well from what we've learned." Marco tried to drown Thatch out at this point in time.

"We'll deal with that when the time comes-yoi." He said and Thatch laughed loudly.

"Sounds like a plan, brother." Thatch missed the brats like crazy even if he wasn't as down as Marco. The ship was loud as ever but it felt almost empty. Luffy's presence had been a major part of the ship for many years and to feel it gone now was saddening. He missed Ace's quirks and protectiveness as well as Sabo's intelligence and quick thinking.

"It's quite here-yoi." Marco said listening to the waves as stars started to appear in the sky.

"I'm almost bored half the time without my pranking masters." Thatch agreed in his own way.

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