Chapter 49: Makino and a call home

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 49: Makino and a call home

"Thank goodness for best friends. For true friends, the ones who love you no matter what."―Laura McNeill

Ace was stuck; it was as simple as that. A huge-and I mean HUGE- part of him wanted to run to the forest that was so calling his name but another part of him wanted to stay here. Ace saw the trees edging the village, they were the trees he had grown in, had fought in, and had hated himself in. He wanted to show Luffy his life, even if it wasn't as bright and cheerful as what Luffy probably thought it was. As much as the nagging feeling was there another had started to form, one that might have been much stronger, he just didn't know what it was or how to make it stop.

"Ne Ace, you're making a funny face again." Luffy said observing his older brother worriedly.

"It's nothing..." Ace muttered to himself turning his face away from Luffy as Makino brought plates of food from behind the bar.

"Here you boys go." She said kindly placing a large plate each in front of them.

"Wow!" Luffy said looking at all the food happy to eat something he didn't have to kill. Their grandfather had made them fish for their own meals and cook it themselves; he called it training or something like that.

"We don't have any money Miss Makino." Sabo said sadly looking at the food only to get a laugh from the lady.

"Of course you don't! Don't worry about it, I'll make sure Garp pays up before leaving so eat as much as you like." She said kindly to them making Luffy cheer happily and Ace grin but Sabo shook his head.

"You have no idea what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself into saying that." He laughed only to get a small chuckle from her.

"Who knows..." She said leaning on the counter looking at the straw hat that was sitting proudly on Luffy's head.

"With the looks she's giving Luffy I'd say he might beat you on winning her heart." Sabo whispered to Ace who blushed furiously at his words.

"Like Luffy has any chance." He scoffed causing Sabo to laugh louder.

"So you finally admit your feelings." He smirked as the blush spread from Ace's face to his ears.

"Shut up.." He said grabbing a fork full of food and stuffing his face.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Makino asked to them giving them a small smile. Ace turned his face away embarrassed and Sabo gave a smile at her.

"Just an inside Joke between brothers." Sabo said finally causing Luffy to groan in annoyance.

"Then why wasn't I involved?!"Luffy hated being left out because he was 3 years younger than his brothers.

"I'll explain the joke to you later Lu." Sabo said to his brother causing Ace to panic giving Sabo an incredulous look.

"Like hell you will!" He shouted

"Now Ace, don't be mean to your brothers." Makino scolded causing Ace to shut his mouth, cross his arms and pout a little turning his head to the side.

Sabo was having the time of his life, who knew teasing Ace could be such fun. He couldn't wait to tell Thatch about this little development.

"Whatever" Ace said annoyed with his brother but decided to mention his plan. "I was thinking guys that tomorrow we could go see the bandits." Ace said to Sabo and Luffy. Luffy gave a confused look but Sabo smiled softly at Ace.

"It's been a while hasn't it? I wonder how they are..." Sabo and Dadan hadn't gotten along that well but he couldn't say they didn't get along either.

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