Chapter 41: Training with Mihawk! News to Shanks!

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 41: Training with Mihawk! News to Shanks!

"A good teacher always refuses to have disciples! Let everyone goes his own way, in his own path instead of following others! If the direction is correct, there will be a meeting in the same place!"―Mehmet Murat ildan

Mihawk was a strict man who didn't take to childishness- unless he was stuck babysitting his ever drunk friend, Shanks.

He found the kid to be entertaining and annoying all at once but his patience learned from being friends with Red Hair really pulled through when dealing with him.

"Ne Hawki..." Luffy asked sitting close to the fire and warming his hands off of it. Mihawk looked towards the kid his hat casting a shadow over his eyes.

"What's that you're drinkin'?" Luffy had been curious about the red liquid he had never seen before. He had been told scary stories about men that drank blood and that stuff looked like blood and Mihawk looked like the men that drank it.

"It is called wine." He drawled out looking at the kid who tilted his head curiously.

"What's wine?" Mihawk smiled and offered his cup to the child a smirk on his face.

"Try some." He knew the kid wouldn't like it but still thought he'd give it a try.

"It's not blood or anything like that right?" Luffy asked hesitantly taking the cup as a tick mark appeared over Mihawks face.

"No it most definitely is not, take a sip." He said annoyed at the child once more.

"Alright I guess..." Luffy lifted the cup to his lips and took a mouth full of the drink only to feel it burn his tongue and throat as he swallowed. Pulling the cup away from his mouth he swallowed hard and took a deep breath letting his tongue fall out of his mouth as he panted.

"That tasted weirder than it looked.." He said and Mihawk couldn't help but laugh.

"It wasn't bad though..." Luffy finally said pulling himself together and smiled at his now teacher.

"Then you really are growing up, this is an adults drink." Luffy couldn't help the wide smile from forming on his face his eyes sparkled at the man who sweat dropped at the looks he was receiving.

"Thanks..." Luffy said passing back the cup to the man who realized the drink was gone and that the boy had sucked it all back in one gulp.

"For what may I ask?" He hadn't done anything really.

"For not treating me like a kid." He turned his head away from Mihawk but the man smiled softly, the kid was interesting he would give him that.

"You won't be thanking me tomorrow, get some sleep we have a busy day in the morning." Luffy nodded as he yawned before flopping onto his back covering his face with his straw hat and falling promptly asleep.

"Strange boy..." Mihawk said before walking to the tent he had set up for himself but not without a smile on his own face in fondness.

Meanwhile back on the Moby Dick...

It was way too quiet for everyone's liking. When dinner rolled around and Luffy didn't come running it just felt weird and not right.

"Wow, who died?" Sabo asked entering the room looking at all the gloomy faces around him.

"Luffy not bring here has this effect on everyone..." Thatch sighed out looking just as gloomy making the boys sweat drop.

"You do realize he will be leaving the crew in a few years' time..." Ace reminded the man which only caused a deeper gloom to fall over everyone in the room.

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