Chapter 14: Pictures for Grandpa and Laughter

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 14: Pictures for Grandpa and Laughter

Luffy was coloring on the figure head of the Moby Dick happily singing a song about islands and idiots. He couldn't really remember he was still working out the words but he'll have it someday.

Anyways, Luffy was on the figure head drawing pictures of all of his family. He drew himself with as many members as possible showing him and that person doing something fun. He had Marco and when they flew in the sky. Thatch and the pranks they played on his division, those are fun. He had pops and the stories he tells, and Izou teaching him to aim his rubbery arm.

Why was Luffy drawing everyone having fun with him? Well that was because apparently his Grandfather was coming today. Luffy had never met his grandfather but he had heard a lot of stories about him. Luffy was excited to say the least not just because of the grandfather coming but because there was going to be new people on the ship! Two kids like him! He couldn't wait to meet them but hoped they would like him. He didn't do well the last time he met kids so he was understandably worried.

Marco had wandered up to the crow's nest to keep a look out on both any ships heading their way and the little boy on the figure head lying on his stomach happily drawing. That morning Pop's got a call saying that the two new boys would be dropped off that afternoon meaning Garp the Fist was on his way. This worried Marco a lot. He cared deeply for Luffy and didn't want to see him hurt but at the same time he knew the kid was going to have to meet his grandfather sooner or later. It might as well be here at home where he is safe and surrounded in brothers then out at sea where he couldn't be protected.

Also the two new boys worried him a lot as well. They were apparently 3 years older than Luffy making them 10. Pops said their names were Ace and Sabo, why he sounded excited about knowing the kids Marco didn't know.

"What cha doing brat?" Thatch had climbed onto the figure head to sit down beside Luffy.

"Drawing." He said laughing and pushing a few drawings over to the man to look at.

"Ughh... Good drawings kid, is that Namur right there?" Thatch said pointing to a figure in the paper he was holding only to get a scowl from Luffy.

"Noooo! That's Marco! See his hair!" Luffy pointed out making Thatch laugh uncontrollably.

"You're right looks just like him!" He joked making Marco's brow twitch from where he was sitting in the crow's nest.

"I know right!?" Luffy laughed along with his brother for completely different reasons.

"Why are you sitting here though?" Thatch asked him he was worried about the kid being so far away from safety. He could feel Marco's watching eyes from above so he knew the kid was relatively safe but he didn't like to chance it.

"This is my spot." He said simply Thatch looked the kid over as the boy looked up from his drawing and out towards the sea.

"But I thought the spot in front of Pops is your spot?" He asked the boy who didn't look away from his view.

"Mmmmm it is, but here I can see both the sky and the sea at the exact same time." He said softly not looking away.

"That is true..." Thatch agreed joining in the calm atmosphere with the kid. If the brat did fulfill his dream and become the pirate king then this would be his ocean. Thatch smiled at the though, Luffy was already making himself a throne to watch over what was his right before he even knew what he was doing. What a kid!

Marco was listening to the pair and smiled softly towards them. His best friend and his little brother bellow and the sea and sky in view. Luffy was right this was amazing.

"Do you want to go show pops your drawings?" Thatch asked him but Luffy shook his head.

"I wanna draw everything and give it to my grandpa. That way he can see that I have lots of fun and I'm really happy!" He said with his wide toothy grin his straw hat hanging from a strong around his neck.

Izou had attached a string when the hat was blown off his little head and into the water. Luffy in his panic to get the hat jumped overboard making Namur have to jump in after both him and the hat.

It was an experience the no one wanted to happen again but sadly the kid just couldn't stay out of the water. Being a Devil fruit user he sunk like an anchor he was every time.

Thatch laughed at the memory confusing Luffy.

"You're just cute kid." He said ruffeling his black hair.

"Nu uh! I'm cool! Not cute! Cute is for Girls!" He said in annoyance to Thatch who bent down and whispered.

"Deal with it kid, you're cute." Luffy puffed his cheeks and punched Thatch in the knee before the man straightened up with a laugh.

"You have to grow some more before you can be classified as cool!" He smiled down at the annoyed child.

"I will be the strongest! Then I'll beat you up!" Luffy stood up quickly and stomped his foot making his crayons roll away from him.

"Uh huh. You tell yourself that Lu." He chuckled and looked up at Marco who was grinning lazily at the pair.

"When you're bigger Lu I'll help you beat him up-yoi." Marco laughed Thatch grinned mischievously at him.

"Oh? I can't wait." Thatch really couldn't. He wanted to see what the kid could do so badly. He knew someday Luffy probably would be stronger than him but until then he was going to take the joy in being a big brother. And being a brother came with perks, like picking on his younger.

Marco laughed at them again he was having fun just watching his family. Looking back towards the sea he saw in the distance a ship approaching. By the way it was sailing he knew it could only be Garp.

"Thatch, time to bring Lu to pops." Marco said his voice tight.

"Thatch who was laughing with Luffy previously looked at his friend eyes narrowing.

"What's wrong?" He said in seriousness.

Marco looked down at the pair.

"We have visitors."

Dun Dun Dun! Any ways Here is a chapter. I'm leaving ace, sabo and garp till next time :) I'm about to head out quickly so I needed to get this up soon :) It's snowing here in Canada! Yay! I think, I missed the snow sorta, last winter was the worst ever! So I'm worried about this one :/ Luffy likes the figure head so I wanted to get some time with him enjoying this one while he has the chance :) After all that's the throne of the pirate king :D Any ways sorry for the short little blurb really booking it to get out of here :P Enjoy the chapter guys you know the deal any questions let me know and I'll do my best to answer them and more :P bye bye! xxxdr

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