Chapter 11: Training Plans and Garp introduced

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 11: Training Plans and Garp introduced

When Luffy woke up that morning he was feeling a lot better than he had all week. Since the trip to that island he had discovered he was becoming anxious around the idea of meeting people outside of the crew. Marco pointing out the anxiety meaning it was time to sit the kid down to have a long talk.

He let Luffy talk about his feelings and what bothered him where Marco listened and told him to not worry so much. That there were other people out there who not only would love to meet him but are waiting for it to happen. He reminded Luffy that if he was afraid of everyone he met then there was a big chance he would miss out on those people waiting for him. Luffy became more afraid of that idea then being rejected again. Marco was thankful for that idea and bought Thatch some good Sake for helping him come up with that plan.

Luffy getting his clothes on as best as he could ran out the room and towards the smell of bacon. When he got to the Galley Izou stopped him to help turn his shirt the right way around and check him over to make sure the kid was dressed fine. Once he was given the Okay he raced to his spot at the table waiting excitedly for food.

"We'll be stopping at Sabody quickly to get coated before heading back to the new world." One member said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"While we're there we should show the kid around." Haruta said with a grin.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea.." Another member said looking at the kid who was stuffing his face with bacon and eggs.

Everyone was still worried about their little brother. That adventure that turned bad really left them rattled. The fake smile lingering in their minds and questions of where and when he learned how to use it. Luffy had trouble on an island they docked at for supplies, what would happen if he was taken to Sabody, an island that was truly a nightmare that was dressed as a day dream.

"We'll discuss it with pops later. He's on the den den mushi right now." Thatch said sitting down beside Luffy who was too into his food to look up.

"Who's he talking to?" Vista asked raising an eye brow in interest.

"Garp." Thatch said suddenly making everyone go still and glance at their 6 year old brother. Garp was probably not a good sign.

"What does he want?!" Cruiel asked Thatch who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Pops said he wanted to talk to him alone, that's all." He said watching his bottomless pit of a brother start to reach for Thatch's plate.

"We'll deal with that as it comes." Haruta said worry clearly on her face but nothing she could about it. When it came down to it they would protect their brother from anyone and everyone. Even the kids grandfather.

"Luffy, once you're finished eating I'd like to see you on deck-yoi." Marco said with a small smile entering the Galley. Luffy swallowed his last fork full of eggs knowing he wasn't getting any of Thatch's he grinned back at Marco and got up excitedly to follow him.

"Luffy, pops and I havedecided that you need to learn how to fight properly-yoi."He looked down at the child who's eyes widened in excitement.

"I get to learn how to fight?!" He shouted happily.

"Of course, we are having a strong pipe being built for you to use as a weapon. Until then we will be working on your devil fruit powers-yoi." He said to the child who started to jump around happily.

"We know you have eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi making you a rubber man. We know that blunt attacks like hitting you won't hurt you. We just need to see what might hurt you so we can prevent that-yoi." Luffy looked at Marco but the way his eyes glazed over told the man he caught nothing of what was just said.

"So I have a mystery power!" He said excitedly, Marco just shook his head and sighed.

"Sure, why not-yoi." He sighed through his hand knowing that big words and sentences would make him lose the boy's attention all together.

"Izou will be working on your aiming 2 times a week, Thatch and Vista will be working on your pipe skills for 3 hours every day. Haruta will be giving you as much information on your devil fruit as possible as often as she can. I will be doing whatever is left over-yoi." He knew Luffy didn't get it so he smiled at the thought of him writing it all down to remember. Luffy couldn't wait to start training to finally learn how to protect himself so his brothers didn't have to worry so much.

"We start tomorrow so be ready alright brat?" Thatch had come out and placed his arm around luffy picking him up into a bear hug. Luffy's laughter rang across the ship making those who passed by smile. And laugh with him.

Garp was in a panic his eldest grandson's safety was on the line. Sengoku called him in to talk about ruoms that had started to spread of the Pirate king's son being in the east blue. Garp waved it off and said Rumors are not true. Sengoku gave the man a long hard look before smiling at him.

"Of course, but that doesn't mean we can't be careful." He said to Garp who was internally freaking out.

"I do believe we have extra funding to spare, so why not put it to this." Garp laughed his booming laugh and called Sengoku an idiot for wasting money before excusing himself. Garp walked faster towards his office giving his comrade a nod starting he wanted time alone. Pulling out a den den mushi he glared at it before picking up the dial he didn't wait for an answer when he heard the other side connect.

"Whitebeard, it's me. We need to talk. I am in need of a favor."

Hey there guys. another update Yosh! Actually this chapter kind of scares me to post. I don't want to push Garp but I think I want to. I worry you guys will hate this one all together T^T If so I am sorry. So I'm going to be bringing in the demon trio soon :) Garp doesn't know Luffy is on the Moby Dick (Let's get that cleared up now before that becomes a mess..) He knows of Luffy's existence but not of where he is. They are heading towards the new world why they were in paradise, who knows they just were :) I will be working ont raining stuff with lu as he grows no worries there guys! He will be training and getting stronger :D I left him 6 for a few chapters because he met Ace and Sabo when he was 7 so I wanted to have a few chapters where he was just a kid with his family. This is part of the reason for the last chapters sadness and rejection. I know Ace isn't going to like Luffy right away and Lu is going to learn how to deal with that. He was reject by other kids how will he get past being rejected again in his own home? He'll make them his brothers that how! Any ways I think I've gotten everything down that needed to be mentioned but if not and you have questions please PM me and I will answer everything that I can :) Please though (Since I do worry about this chapter being disliked) Don't leave me flames if you do dislike it.. I'm already an anxious mess this weekend with classes being all weekend and all next again thanks to everyone who reviewed you guys make me write faster and build my confidence up :) Night! xxxDR

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