Chapter 29: Gone, They're Gone Part 1

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Another gunshot blasted outside the door of the brats' room and a wail of pain accompanied the sound.

"Ace I'm scared..." Luffy said curling up in a ball covering his ears with his small hands. Ace wrapped an arm tightly around his little brother allowing him to take comfort from his presence.

"It'll be alright Marco's out there with Pops and Thatch and the other Commanders they're strong right?" Sabo said to the boy who had now closed his eyes trying to not see the flashes of sparks from underneath their door.

"But what if something bad happens to them?" Luffy asked quietly

"There's nothing we can do but wait Lu." Ace said his eyes hard with determination staring at the door just in case. Ace was now running his hands through Luffy's dark hair doing about anything to calm the boy down even just a little. Sabo had his pipe in his hands ready to fight should he need to. Ace's pipe was leaning against a wall he didn't grab it like Sabo but he knew should danger come he would move into action right away.

Sabo was pacing the room and listening to everything all at the same time. He listened to each gunshot, listened to each cry, to each call of anger and at times he thought just maybe the battle was ending only to hear it fire up once more. Whoever was attacking the ship was doing a damn good job it seemed.

"Pops is strong, Pops is strong, Pops is strong..." Luffy started to say to himself like a mantra his eyes now tightly closed as the battle began to grow closer to their end of the ship.

Ace wanted to grab his pipe but felt the need to remain by Luffy's side as the kid began to shake. Sabo looked at Ace knowing from his expression what he wanted but couldn't grab so he went into action to deliver the weapon.

"Should something happen what's our plan?" Sabo asked Ace after giving him the pipe while hoping not to startle Luffy.

"Well I dunno we're in the middle of the freaking Ocean it's not like we have anywhere else to go." Ace said off handily but that caused Luffy's eyes to snap open and his head to turn quickly towards Ace.

"We're leaving?!" Panic and fear could be heard in the boy's voice, well there went not startling Luffy.

"I don't want to go! I don't want to leave Marco and Pops and everyone! I don't want to!" his voice began to grow louder and louder as fear took over the child's mind.

"Hey I thought I heard something?" A voice said from outside the door.

"Looks like that backup plan might be a good idea right about now Ace." Sabo said putting his pipe in front of him defensively.

"It sounds like they have only begun to move this way, the main battle must be closer to the main deck if we make a break for it we can probably get to the infirmary. That way there we will be surrounded better and safer than we are here." Ace said now pulling Luffy's head into the crook of his neck and shoulder holding the boy closer while he began to cry.

Sabo nodded agreeing with the plan the room they were in now was not very safe and anyone could break in at any given moment, the fact no one had was a miracle by far.

"So we need to get to the infirmary." He said to Ace who nodded pushing Luffy away from him he took a deep breath steeling his nerves.

"Luffy stop crying!" He shouted at the kid who was still sniffling ready to begin again.

"If you don't stop crying I'll leave you behind!" Luffy bit his upper lip and stopped all of his crying right there and then, the only thing giving away he was still sad was the quivering lip and a few unshed tears in his eyes.

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