Chapter 60: Welcome Home! Happy Birthday!

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 60: Welcome Home! Happy Birthday!

"I have a son, who is my heart. A wonderful young man, daring and loving and strong and kind."-Maya Angelou

When Thatch got the call from Ace he couldn't help but feel almost surprised since Luffy didn't come running to talk to him nor did Sabo. Ace explained that Luffy had made another new friend and was spending the day talking to him. He also explained that Sabo was making life sized decisions right now so he needed some time to be alone. Thatch wasn't too sure what all that meant but it did make him feel anxious which probably wasn't good. Ace had explained that Luffy's new friend was trust worthy but a bit insecure but Luffy had chosen him so there was nothing anyone could say or do.

Ace talked with only Thatch for a while before the real reason he called came up, they were coming home. Tomorrow they would be coming over Reverse Mountain and wanted pops and the others close by to pick them up. Thatch laughed at Ace because Pops already knew they were coming home. Garp had apparently been in paradise causing Marco to both panic at the thought of Garp being away from the brats and feel excitement because that could mean the kids were back in home waters. Of course Pops called Garp as soon as possible once he found out he was away from the kids and Garp explained the plan of them coming home rather reluctantly.

So from there they had been making their way towards the mountain for a few days now ready to pick up the brats. The crew had become alive again; Thatch never really noticed just how dreary they had gotten since the boys left. Marco was smiling more and even cleaning up their rooms so they had fresh blankets and clothes for when they got home. Pops was drinking a bit more which was causing his nurses to scowl a lot and even try to talk him away from the bottle. All the nurses got in the end was a loud laugh from the older man who was drinking for his reunited family.

Everyone was laughing once more but Thatch was doing the biggest preparation for the brats. He was going to be making the birthday cake and dinner for Luffy. Luffy was now about to be 15 years old so he wanted to do the best birthday celebration possible for the kid. If Thatch thought he'd have to remind Marco about Luffy's birthday he found himself mistaken. Marco, while cleaning Luffy's room had placed gifts all around the bed and even some new clothes in the dresser. Izou had helped with the making of the clothing and each of the crew members had picked out a gift for the boy to be placed in the room. Thatch was happy, for the first time in 2 months he felt things were going back to normal and once the boys were home they'd make sure to keep them there for as long as possible.

Marco had missed the phone call from Ace since he was busy helping around the ship preparing for the party to take place but he got the idea of what was happening. He knew Luffy was making friends and he would question the boy later on them-the very thought that he could physically question Luffy on his friends made him smile wider. They were coming home and that was all that was needed to be said for Marco's face to hurt from the smile he had been wearing ever since. They were almost home he could see the mountain in the distance and it took all of his strength not to just fly off and meet the boys at the bottom of it.

"We're almost there." Thatch said coming up beside his friend as he too was excited to see his brats.

Marco didn't say anything as he just watched the ship sail closer and closer until they finally reached the Red Line where they knew the boys would be coming down from.

"They're not here yet-yoi." Marco said in worry as he jumped from the ship onto the Red Line's shore waiting for a ship to come down from the mountain.

"Maybe they're late?" Thatch asked jumping beside his friend and walking along the shore line while pops and a few of the other commanders watched from the ship keeping their eyes open for the marine vessel. Marco was getting worried as he sat down by the mountain and just thought about the what-ifs?and worrying himself into knots.

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