Chapter 20: Fathers and Dreams

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 20: Fathers and Dreams

Since the two boys were not use to the grand line's weather yet the Whitebeard pirates decided to make smaller stops around paradise to help build up their immune systems.

Of course Luffy whined about this for a while wanting to hit Fish Man island as soon as possible and return to what he knows but the looks Ace and Sabo gave him shut him up quickly. The boys had grown ever closer since the time on that island. Sabo had included Luffy into their friendship and even hung out with him in the galley. Mostly it was to just talk and listen to Luffy tell stories about their adventures every once in a while. Ace was still refusing to completely accept Luffy but that didn't mean he didn't like the kid, in fact he actually did like him. Ace would scowl and scoff whenever Luffy was around but when the kid turned his back Ace would give Luffy a fond smile one that didn't go unnoticed by Marco.

Luffy had accepted Ace; he wanted Ace to live without even knowing why he felt the need not to. Ace wanted to protect that kindness no matter what, of course though he'd never admit it out loud.

Marco had come to accept that these kids would be a part of Luffy's life from now on. Luffy had decided that they would all be sharing a room from that day forth and began this decision by gathering up all of their things and helping them move into his bigger room. Marco had hoped that the scowling one would refuse this decision but instead he agreed to it. All he could do was sigh and hope for the best at this point in time.

Things began to get worse for Marco as each time the boys left the ship all three would return in worse shape than when they left. Luffy was starting to wear hospital bandages as if they were a new fashion trend, and one the nurses weren't too fond of. But of course Luffy would just smile his large grin whenever Marco asked him what he was doing and say

"Secret shishishi.." Before running off towards his friends in happiness.

Marco didn't quite know what to do with himself, Luffy was keeping secrets from his family and that was something new that he didn't like.

Luffy felt bad he wanted to tell Marco what was happening but he promised Ace and Sabo he wouldn't ever tell a soul what he knew.

One day when they ran off to a new town to visit Ace separated from them to wander on his own. Sabo said that was fine and he probably just needed space. Luffy wasn't so sure about that but felt that Sabo wouldn't lie to him so he let it go.

He followed Sabo around while Marco and the others gathered supplies there was only going to be a few more paradise islands before they went back home. While they were walking Sabo was growing increasingly worried as the time flew by.

"Maybe we should go find Ace, ne?" Sabo asked Luffy who was just watching a few bugs on the ground.

"Mn!" He cheered standing up straight and following his friend in hopes to find Ace, it was like his own mini adventure!

When the boys walked into a bar where they though Thatch might be to ask him if he had seen Ace they were surprised to find Ace actually there.

"Hey..." Ace started while walking up to a bunch of drunks..." They looked up at him in confusion.

"What would you do if Gold Roger had a kid?" He asked his fists gripped tight. The man scoffed and laughed causing the entire bar to start laughing. Sabo pushed Luffy behind him muttering a "oh no..."

"He'd be better off dead! Nothing more a monster, a demon that wouldn't deserve to live!" The drunk man laughed making Ace angrier.

"Why's Ace so mad?" Luffy asked innocently.

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