Chapter 19: Lonely and Valentine

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 19: Lonely and Valentine

I know I post at the bottom of the page but this needed to be seen first :) So For all of you who read and review to my story Thank you! You are all my inspiration to keep going. Because of this I have asked for permission to take an idea from a reviewer to say thank you. This next chapter will be a split chapter. As a thank you to my reviewers and an achievement of reaching over 100 reviews, alerts and favorites I give you a chapter that does follow story but it will take place before Ace and Sabo have come to the Moby Dick, sure it's a filler chapter but it's darned cute. Any ways Thank you all once more and here we go. XXXDR

It was morning and Luffy was ready to start his day the way he usually did, with a large breakfast. Jumping out of bed and quickly throwing his cloths on he raced from the room towards the amazing smell.

"Slow down there buddy, the foods not going anywhere." Doba said with a smile patting him on the head sitting in front of him at the table. His monkey made a chattering sound in reply as well. Luffy just stuffed his face more not listening to anything or anyone he loved food so much after all.

When he finished eating as fast as he could he ran outside to see if someone would play with him. The commanders were getting everyone in order to start fixing and cleaning the ship since they had a battle the night before.

"Marco! Can we go flying?" He said excitedly he hadn't been flying in a while and was starting to miss the wind through his hair.

"Not now buddy I got a lot of work to organize here then more to get finished later. How about another other time-yoi?" Marco picked the hat dangling from Luffy's neck and placed it on his head in a sort of apology.

"Mnn."He said with a smile knowing how busy his big brother can get. Deciding the next person he should ask was Thatch he ran off towards where the man usually was.

"Thatch was heading out of the kitchen to deliver snacks to the crew members in his division that were working hard.

"Thatchy! Tell me a story!" Luffy went running to the man colliding with his leg in a hug.

Thatch laughed and patted him on the head.

"Can't right now bud, I've got to make sure my division is motivated enough to work." He smiled a sheepish grin down at the disappointed boy.

"How about we play a bit later, kay?" he said Luffy gave his biggest grin in return and ran towards his father. He was in need of a story and pops was always ready to give one that's for sure. When Luffy got to where Whitebeard always was he felt his smile falter at the empty chair.

Walking towards a nurse who was gathering all of the equipment for the older man Luffy tugged on her shirt.

"Ne, Where's pops?" he said in concern she smiled sadly at the little boy.

"Pops isn't feeling well today Lu, he needs to rest so he can be strong again later, alright." She really needed her father to get the rest he needed the battle the night before had worn the older man down a bit.

"Mokay..."He said but smiled any ways running off towards another victim hoping someone would play with him. It turned out everyone was busy doing something. Even though the ship was always fun they were still pirates and chores had to be finished to keep the ship going.

Luffy felt his eyes burn with tears unshed. He had hundreds of siblings but not one could sit down and play with him, he felt so lonely.

"Woof." Luffy looked up suddenly from the floor he had taken refuge on to see Stephen sitting in front of him now.

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