Chapter 40: I'm not a kid! Mihawk!

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 40: I'm not a kid! Mihawk!


"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt." -Max Lerner

It was the middle of the night but Luffy couldn't sleep so he went where he was the most comfortable during these times, the figure head.

Sitting on the whale's head he stared out at the sea watching the deep dark night crash with the black waves against the ships side.

Why was Luffy out in the night? Well, something had been really bothering him. It was something Traffy had said to him that made him think-which was something he didn't really like to do- where did he come from?

Traffy asked if his mother was a part of the crew and he knew that she wasn't, unless one of the nurses was his mother but they all looked young.

He had always seen pops as his father so he never once questioned anything but now he wasn't sure.

"Hey kid what's up?" Thatch said coming up to sit beside him throwing a light blanket over Luffy's lap to keep him warm.

"Nothing really..." He said simply looking out onto the waves. Thatch had been on watch that night when he saw Luffy wander out of his room and onto the ship's deck. He was worried when the kid hopped the railing onto the figure head so he chose to check on him, Marco would have his head if he let the kid drown during the night.

"Nothing really eh? Well you're up so it might actually be something really." Thatch countered watching Luffy from the corner of his eye.

"Just thinking too much I guess..." Luffy replied but didn't smile when Thatch did a mock surprised face.

"Then it must definitely be something really big! What's wrong kid?" Thatch asked in concern knowing that Luffy was not known for his thinking skills.

"Ne thatch, where was I born?" Luffy asked suddenly and Thatch felt himself freezing up.

"How did I end up here? Who are my parents? Why did they give me up?" He continued and just stared at the sea.

"Who is my real father?" Luffy asked and that struck nerve with Thatch.

"Pops is your father..."He said stiffly.

"Yeah I know...But who is my... ya know, my real father..." He repeated and Thatch stood up.

"I think it's time for bed Luffy." He said turning away from the kid.

"But you didn't answer my questions at all!" Luffy huffed out he wanted answers to these questions that had been bothering him for a while.

"They don't need answers Luffy! You're here that's all that matters." Thatch said forcefully.

"Fine, whatever, I'll just ask Marco tomorrow." Luffy stood up with the blanket and brushed his Pajamas off.

"No don't do that." Thatch said to the kid who tilted his head annoyed and confused.

"Why?" He whined out and Thatch frowned.

"Because Marco doesn't want to answer them either, good night kid." He said pushing Luffy back towards the railing and watching him head off to bed.

"This won't end well..." Thatch sighed out while frowning out towards the sea. "This won't end well at all..."

-Line Break-

When morning came the galley was silent for the first time in what felt like forever.

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