Chapter 3: Birthdays and Teething

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 3: Birthdays and Teething

Today was an unusually typical pirating day for the white beard pirates it was just nearing dusk and a party was in full bloom. Why was there a party? Well their pirates of course! What pirate doesn't party, but really there was a special reason. Today happened to be Luffy's first birthday and because of that they just had to throw the little guy a party he would never remember. The music was loud and the laughter if not louder everyone was drunk in the Galley, on the deck and pretty much all over the grand Moby Dick.

Well everyone except poor Marco. When they had decide May 5th was going to be Luffy's birthday they had gathered a bucket full of everyone's names and drew the person who was not allowed to drink but to spend the night watching the one the party was aimed towards.

"You must think we're all crazy don't you-yoi" He said to Luffy who was being bounced on Marco's knee.

"We're having a drinking party for a child way too young to even remember this." He smiled when Luffy just mumbled a bit of nonsense. Marco looked at the rest of the crew and sighed.

"Looks like no one else will remember this night either-yoi" By this time Luffy was tired of being bounced and told Marco so by biting his hand.

"You're getting some pretty sharp teeth in there aren't ya buddy" Marco shook his hand realizing that that actually did hurt.

"Teeth? Since when?" A very drunk Thatch came stumbling towards the pair.

"About a month ago-yoi. He's been waking up throughout the nights because it hurts so much." Marco said but wasn't actually sure if Thatch was listening.

"Why don't you try giving him an ice cube? That way he can cool them down and if it melts, it's just water." He pointed out to his friend; Marco was actually surprised Thatch was even able to think that hard by this point.

"That is actually a good idea, but not when he's sleeping. I don't care if it's frozen water. I don't want him choking-yoi." Marco said sternly to the older man who was now laughing.

"We should probably start him on some bigger solid foods-yoi. To get his tummy ready for growing, ain't that right buddy?" Marco cooed to the child.

"Yeah, we'll make sure his first meal is pineapple!" Thatch burst out laughing to a now unamused Marco "You know like you!" Marco was ready to punch the guy over the head but kept himself calm due to Luffy being present.

"Take your drunken ass to bed Thatch and remind me to kill you in the morning-yoi."Marco's eye twitched as Luffy laughed along with Thatch probably with no clue what was going on.

"Yes mother hen...or should I say mother...PINEAPPLE!" Marco pulled Luffy into his arms and aimed a kick towards Thatch's head missing by a hair while the man ran off to cause trouble elsewhere.

"Mother Chicken I'll get him back for that. Why don't we get you changed and fed before us both head off to sleep-yoi. Sound good brat? Of course it does you get fed... Though tomorrow we'll be adding extra things to your menu." He smiled and headed towards the kitchen to warm up the bottles for bed time and maybe make himself a tea, yeah a tea sounded nice.


At breakfast the next morning Luffy was happily munching on a piece of apple and a slice of tangerine. He seemed to like the tangerine more than the apple but food was food in his big brown eyes.

"Pretty soon he'll have a full mouth full of teeth so if he starts to bite you make him stop so he doesn't continue that." Jozu said to the pirates that were at the breakfast table. Though his skin could turn to diamond and Marco could juts flame up normal people like Thatch and Haruta might not appreciate being bitten by a toddler. Even though he had said this he knew half the crew wasn't in their minds to listen to him. Everyone was either hung over or exhausted from partying all night. Oh well, he just make Marco remind everyone a little later.

Haruta sat down beside the little guy and smiled. "Ne, wanna see what I've been teaching him?" She smiled widely at everyone before taping Luffy on the nose to get his attention.

"Luffy, where are your ears?" Very suddenly Luffy stopped eating and lifted his hands to his ears with a smile. "How about your eyes?" Luffy moved his hands down from his ears towards his eyes and forehead area the smile still in place. "How about your mouth" Like the times before he moves his hands towards his mouth and gummed his finger where teeth hadn't come in yet. "How about your nose." Everyone was watching with fascination as the little guy did the movements except Luffy didn't know just where to grab so he reached for his half chewed up tangerine instead.

"It's still a work in progress but I do plan to make sure he has more brains in his head than half the crew does put together." She earned a round of laughter and grumbles from those present to hear her.

"GURARARA, he's growing up so fast" Pops said fondly about his youngest son.

"Yeah soon he'll be walking. His legs are getting stronger by the day. He crawls around everywhere already and pulls himself up on the railing often enough. I'd give him another month or two to figure it out and we'll be chasing him in no time-yoi." Marco said with a laugh and patted the little guys head.

"He crawls funny though haven't you noticed that?" Thatch pointed out where most babies crawled on their hands and knees Luffy just seemed to drag his back leg and crawl with his other.

"Yeah Dr. Myrah looked into it already, said everything is fine he's just being weird. It's something he'll grow out of-yoi" Marco said not worried if she said it was fine.

"Well, hopefully he won't have to and he'll be walking soon enough." Izou said with a grin. Marco had bought him a fine bottle of Sake for the bear. Luffy couldn't function without it being close by. That toy was also the reason he was able to fall asleep so well. Though since Luffy started teething the bear's ear had become Luffy's personal chew toy. Some days when Marco needed revenge on one of his annoying nakama, he would get the person to remove the bear from Luffy's dooly mouth to be cleaned before he woke up. The drool covered bear was never a pleasant sight but it satisfied Marco some to use it to his advantage.

"Forget walking! I can't wait until he starts to talk!" Thatch said in excitement which sparked a conversation on what Luffy's first words might be.

"Don't grow up too fast kiddo, but you can't stay too young forever...Oh the dilemma of being a brother." Thatch dramatically sighed making everyone laugh their brother was growing way to quickly but at the same time way to slowly. Though that didn't really matter at the moment, everyone was just happy to have Luffy to call their brother.
I'm back! Is anyone tired of me yet? Let me just say you guys are my inspiration for writing! If I hadn't got so much positive feedback I would have put chapters off. :P Thanks so much everyone! Really, you guys make my day with all of this! So I kinda used my nephew as examples throughout this. :P His crawling was that way it weirded his mother out so she brought him to the doctor who told her he was just weird. I wanted Luffy to be just weird since that's Luffy :) And the pointing out body parts is what my sister-in-law does with her son as well. Oh the teething, I know Luffy will have a strong Jaw and biting is something he has been known for so I needed to put that in some where :) I also realized that I started Luffy eating solids a bit late but then again parenting doesn't come with a hand book especially when he's being raised by pirates. So I can't guarantee that I'll post chapters like this every day.. I am in school as well as volunteering now at my local humane society. I will do my best to keep up though. Yet again thanks for the great reviews please if you have anything to say about this chapter post it for me so I can improve and find more inspiration :) Have a great night everyone! xxxDR

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