Chapter 59: Dreams and the Last of the East

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 59: Dreams and the Last of the East

"Never say goodbye because on one sunny day we will meet again."-Unknown

Dinner time with Luffy and his brothers was as it normally was. For Smoker it was nothing new, he had been with the boys for 2 days now so he was quite use to the chaos that was called feeding time. For Usopp this was an extremely new thing seeing three teenagers scarf down food as if they were starving for days.

"Why are they eating like that?" Usopp asked Smoker who just blew out his cigar smoke.

"Like I know why they do that." Smoker had been just as shocked on the first day he saw those boys eating like this but by the second day he knew better than to eat slowly with them around.

"You might want to start eating." He recommended to Usopp who just raised a brow causing the man to look at the three and how their plates were almost empty.

"If you don't start soon there will be none left for you." Usopp looked at his full plate in confusion before a long hand stretched over and grabbed some off of Usopp's plate. Yelping in surprise Usopp put his arm around his dinner protectively but Smoker chuckled quietly.

"That won't stop them, start eating brat." He said and Usopp dug in as quickly as possible as he started to notice his plate slowly growing empty.

"Have you learned a lesson today kid?" Smoker asked Usopp with crossed arms his eyes closed and leaning back on his chair. Usopp gulped and nodded, today he had learned never to eat his dinner slowly around those three brothers.

"Yes sir." Usopp said and Smoker nodded satisfied.

"So what were you guys talking about down below?" Sabo asked Luffy curiously and before Usopp could open his mouth to say anything Luffy cut him off.

"I just asked Usopp to be my friend nothing big." He said as Usopp looked at him curiously before it dawned on him. Smoker is a marine and Luffy was a pirate so Luffy probably didn't want Smoker to know he was asking people to join his crew.

"Yes that's right! Luffy asked me to become his best friend! Almost like his twin brother, am I right Luffy?" Usopp asked folding his arms across his chest as Luffy gave him a blank stare not quite sure what to say to all of that.

"Sure." He finally said guessing that was as close as he could get to an answer.

"Rigghhhttt...." Ace dragged out unsure of what was happening.

"I really don't care what you boys decide, tomorrow we set towards Reverse Mountain so be ready by then." Smoker said dismissing himself from the company of teenagers.

"Is he always like that?" Usopp asked once Smoker had left.

"Shishishi, he may sound like a jerk but Smoky is actually a really nice guy." Luffy said smiling and Ace shook his head as Sabo just smiled softly.

"I see..." Usopp didn't really see it but went along because Luffy said so.

"He's one of the very few who have actually pushed me to get stronger." Luffy thought out loud.

While Marco, Thatch, his Grandpa and the others do want to train him to get strong they hesitate to go any further with his training. Luffy knows it's not because they don't think he can handle it, it's because they don't know what to do if he can. Smoker who has no real connection to Luffy didn't care if he was strong enough or not. Smoker wanted to push Luffy to see how far the boy could go and then push him further. Luffy loved that to have a chance to spar with someone who didn't fear his pops or love him too much to challenge him too hard. Smoker was a good guy and Luffy was happy to call him a friend, even if he was a stupid marine.

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