Chapter 34: Bad Feeling and a Bonus!

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 34: Bad Feeling and a Bonus!

Thatch was considering a roasted Phoenix was in order when he got back from this damned mission. The stupid crew that was pushing their luck had decided to not just rip pop's flag down from its proud spot but had also stepped all over it right in front of his eyes. The reason he was considering roasting Marco was because Marco promised this would be a simple mission. Really though this mission was about to turn into a blood bath and he might have felt a tinge of pity for the other guys but really he didn't.

When they arrived on the island they expected a welcome of some sort but was greeted with nothing but silence. Thatch was admittedly disappointed; he enjoyed the cheers, the welcoming, and the kindness. He expected this time to get cries of relief upon their arrival so when they heard nothing his guard went up.

"Team one find the civilians and make sure they are as okay as possible." He said to one group of people.

"Team two search for the escape routes of the enemy and block them off any way you can." He pointed to another group who nodded.

"Team three when I give the signal cause as much destruction as you can. This will cause confusion among the enemy and give us a leg up." He said and got a feral grin from those people.

"Team four, you're coming with me. We're going to search for the enemy and bring them out. Each team has a transponder snail to keep in contact with one another let's get this over with and done so we can get home faster!" He said to the men as the ship was docked and all were ready for action.

"Fan out, find the source of the problem, report to me. Don't act alone, don't fight alone, be quiet and cause no disturbances unless you're ordered to, got it men?" Thatch said to his division softly but sternly knowing full well that the enemy already probably knew they were there.

For once in his Life Thatch wanted to be wrong. He knew the enemy knew he was there but had hoped that they might have a bit of surprise under them; unfortunately he knew he wasn't that lucky.

"Well what do we have 'ere?" One man said stepping in front of Thatch who just rolled his eyes.

"Looks to me like one of them 'mmanders." Another said with his thick accent that Thatch didn't actually recognize.

"And what of it?" He asked placing his hand on his beloved katana knowing full well he would be using it shortly.

"I thought the ol' man would send someone of higher rank to fight us, instead he sends his fourth." The man laughed and Thatch's brow twitched in annoyance.

"Trust me when I say that the old man doesn't need to send anyone stronger than me to kill you." Thatch said with a grin before whistling softly giving the signal.

He smiled widely while unsheathing his blade showing the pirates that he was only just beginning.

"Sending Marco would worry our brat, and we can't have that happening now not after everything he's been through." He glared up at the men.

"Now why don't we have some fun..."

-Line break-

"When's Thatch coming back?" Luffy begged again to Marco who was trying to keep his calm.

"Tomorrow morning at the latest Lu all will be okay-yoi." Though the boy didn't look convinced at all.

"I want him home now!" He shouted once again Marco had been having this exact conversation with Luffy countless times throughout the day. He honestly wasn't sure if he should just go bring his brother home himself to stop this problem once and for all.

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