Chapter 45: Listen-short-

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 45: Listen-short-

Luffy was listening to everything. His brothers talking to one another, his father laughing from across the ship as Ace and Sabo got into another scuffle about goodness knows whatever. Luffy was listening to the ocean and how it crashed against the ships side and even felt a little sentimental about that. Luffy loved the way the tides kissed his home no matter how many times it was sent back away. He loved how the ship would welcome them even though they could not stay together.

Luffy was listening to the gulls in the sky how they called to one another. Maybe they were calling for more meat? Mmm meat... He loved how the birds could touch the skies and go anywhere they chose to, but chose not to as well. He wondered what held them back. Why didn't they fly away when they knew they could? If he were a bird would he fly away? But what if he got lost?

Luffy was listening to the ship burn once again as Ace lost control of his flames and burned another part of the deck. He heard the call of panic from Sabo, the anger from Marco as this was what? the 157th time Ace had burned that particular spot? He could hear Thatch laughing so maybe he had something to do what that spot always getting burnt...Maybe Ace was in on that plan.

Luffy loved to listen to his family, not just because they were there but because it reminded him they were alive. It reminded him that each and every one of his siblings had a story to tell, a life they lived before him, before here. That their hearts carried scars, pain, laughter, tears and joy just as much as his did. He loved that though, He loved to listen to his family talk just to hear their voices and remind them they are not alone. Just as they remind him. Luffy loved to listen; he just didn't like to show it.

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