Chapter 4: Ma and PA

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 4: Ma and PA

Luffy was sitting on Whitebeard lap just after lunch listening to his pops telling a story from his childhood. Luffy was now 14 months old and constantly getting into trouble. Marco needing a break plopped the brat down on the old man's lap without saying a word turned on his heels and walked away. Confused by the development but uncaring he decided to entertain the boy and see what happened. As he suspected Luffy couldn't sit still. He was squirming and grabbing at Pop's pants he looked around often and barely paid any attention to the older man.

"What are you thinking about, son? "He asked Luffy who opened his mouth before closing it looking frustrated. Pops could only raise an eye brow at the action. Luffy began to babble sounds of annoyance before pops knew he wanted down.

"And where do you think you're going brat?" He said as Luffy did his weird crawl away from his chair. Luffy paused for a moment looked at the older man then continued on his adventure.

Luffy crawled slowly around the deck before grabbing onto a railing and pulling himself up and slowly pulling himself along that for a while. Of course he could only do that for a little bit and dropped to his crawl once more. Along his little journey he had decided that he was tired of crawling and chose to roll instead.

Whitebeard was talking to one of his children and didn't see the small child slip past his feet under his chair.

"Hey has anyone seen Luffy?" Thatch asked loudly hoping everyone could hear?

"He was on my lap at least an hour ago he couldn't have gotten far." Pops said but he too was getting worried. The ship had been quiet, Luffy was never quiet.

Thatch knew if pops didn't know then Marco was sure to, racing to the man's cabin he knocked on the door only to get a very annoyed tired looking Marco.

"Is the ship burning down-yoi?" Marco growled out at Thatch who knew better than to wake Marco after an all-nighter.

"No worse, Luffy's missing." With those words all sleep and crankiness was forgotten and Marco was racing towards pop's chair.

"How long has he been missing-yoi." Everyone could hear the panic in his voice but his lazy expression remained the same.

"About 2 hours now." Teach said looking at the first commander Marco nodded in understanding.

"Everyone spread out, he couldn't have gotten far. Namur check the tides if perchance he did fall off you can find him faster than us-yoi." Namur nodded and dove into the water

Everyone was looking for the brat while pops watched his children search. His nurses had made it quite clear he was not to move from that chair until his medication had settled into him.

"'Scus me pops He might have ended up under your chair, it might not have happened but it is a possibility." Teach said getting the older man's approval to look under his chair and lo and behold was a sleeping baby.

"Zehahahahaha Look at you wanting to be close to your old man." Teach said before reaching in and waking the child. Once he had Luffy in his arms the baby broke into instant tears.

"No need to cry you're safe brat." Teach said trying to calm the kid but that just made him cry harder.

"Oi! He's been found!" He yelled out for everyone to hear. Marco was the first one to hear the large man and rushed to Luffy's side instantly.

"Luffy!" He saw the baby was crying and did an instant check over him to make sure he wasn't hurt. Seeing nothing wrong with him Marco removed the child from Teaches arms only for Luffy to break out in a smile.

"What a weird little guy aren't you" Teach said patting Luffy on the head making him once more become teary eyed.

"Huh, he seems to not like you that much..." Thatch said arriving beside Marco.

"He just doesn't know me yet...zehaha" Teach said before leaving all together.

"Where in the world were you going Lu?" Thatch asked the now happy baby that was cuddling close to Marco.

"Ma." Came from Luffy's mouth making everyone stop.

"What was that-yoi?" Marco asked the toddler.

"Ma! Ma ma ma ma ma ma!" He just said looking at Marco. Everyone didn't know if they should break out laughing or celebrate their brat's first word.

"Look! Marco shall now be known as Mama Marco!" Thatch laughed so hard he doubled over. Ignoring Thatch Marco smiled fondly at the little guy.

"Were you looking for me Luffy-yoi?" He said Luffy just responded with ma!

"Well you have had him in your care the most Marco, I'm not surprised he sees you like that" Pops said with a smile. Luffy looked right at the old man smiled and said


The crew broke out in cheers; their little guy was learning to talk.

"Just watch his next few words be a vocabulary of curses." A crew member joked making everyone laugh.

"Not if I have anything to say about it –yoi!"Marco said with a smile.

"Nah it won't be like that at all. His next word will be...Yoi!" Thatch was laughing again but this time Marco didn't care Luffy was calling for him. Ever since the baby had been dropped off not once had he been out of Marco sight. Marco pulling an all-nighter to finish reports and file documents and write food lists made him extra tired and not needing a toddler to deal with. It seemed though that Luffy couldn't be without his Ma.

"You know what this calls for? A party!" Everyone cheered in excitement.

"You going to join us this time Marco?" Vista asked him with a smile "I don't mind watching the brat this time. You missed out on his birthday." Marco only shook his head.

"Nah, I like spending time with this brat and honestly watching you all get drunk is funnier than actually joining in-yoi." Luffy was closing his eyes slowly after just letting out a yawn.

"And it seems the both of us are due for nap anyways." Waving to everyone Marco headed back towards his room and placed Luffy in his crib.

"Night Lu please let me have 3 more hours and all will be good." The baby just mumbled ma and fell asleep. Marco crawled into his own bed ready to gain the hours missed so he could make fun of his family later.
Hey guys, so I'm just about to head to class but thought I'd get this up there. Most babies don't start with huge words they usually say da or ma. I chose to go with Ma because it's short for Marco. Luffy was trying to call for Marco but can't pronounce the bigger letters yet. Also I kinda of took a bit of a suggestion from a kind reviewer! The Teach Luffy thing, I wanted to show more of how Luffy doesn't like the man. I will probably post again tonight after class but I shall see how it goes Don't forget to let me know what you think and I shall talk to you all again later :D

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