Chapter 17: Robbery Turned Bad part 1

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 17: Robbery Turned Bad part 1

"I can't wait!" Luffy said excitedly he wanted to go back to the new world so badly he was shaking.

"Well you'll have to we have a few more islands to stop at before we reach Fishman island-yoi." Marco said with a smile. Luffy loved the chaos that filled the new world. He had been raised in it so he really didn't know anything else.

"We're going further into the Grand Line?" Sabo asked Luffy he was sitting on the railing listening to them talk.

"Mn, I've only been in parapise a few times before." Luffy said then was corrected by Marco.

"You mean Paradise-yoi." Marco laughed at Luffy's ability to say simple things wrong. Luffy nodded his head saying that was exactly what he meant.

"Paradise?" Ace asked coming into the conversation.

"Everyone calls the first half of the grand line paradise in the new world." Thatch clarified to Ace who nodded his head in understanding, well as understanding as could be for a child.

"Why don't we just go straight there instead of lingering here then?" Sabo asked in confusion If Luffy was able to handle it surly him and Ace could take it. After all they were a lot stronger than him.

"Because you guys don't seem to be used to living out here yet-yoi." Marco said giving the pair a look.

"What do you mean by that!?" Ace shouted stomping his foot, he felt that Marco had indirectly called him weaker than Luffy.

"The grand line's weather is harsh and changes frequently. The new world is harsher and kinda scary at times. You boys are from the East Blue right?" Thatch asked them with a smile. The boys nodded their head slightly shocked Thatch knew where they were from.

"The East Blue is known as the weakest of the Blues. You boys will need a bit of time to adjust." And with that he waved to them and headed towards the kitchen.

Ace and Sabo looked at each other in worry. Sure they were excited to see the new world but really, they just wanted to go back to Dawn Island and get their pirate fund!

"Why are you so excited to go back to the new world?" Sabo asked Luffy who was now sparkling in excitement.

"Because we go to Fish Man island!" He shouted throwing his hand up.

"Fishman-." Ace started

"Island?" Sabo finished in confusion.

"Mmm! They have the most amazing sweets ever!" Drool started to pour out of the kid's mouth and sparkles formed in his eyes. Marco sighed knowing that was what he wanted. Ever since he had cut Luffy off of the headache inducing, sugary things he had demanded fishman island's whenever they got close. Since they only visited the island every once in a while he couldn't refuse the sad eyes Luffy directed towards him.

"Riiigggghhhtttt.."Sabo said not really sure what else to say to the kid.

"We'll be coming to a summer island in about an hour so go entertain yourselves until then-yoi." Marco said waving his hand in dismissal. Luffy ran and gave him a big hug with a whispered thanks before he ran after the two boys who had started to walk away making Marco smile.

"He's getting so big so fast." Haruta said with a smile.

"He is, isn't he-yoi." Marco watched the kid fondly chase after the boys who looked annoyed by him being there. Ace whispered something to Sabo and Luffy started to jump around excitedly.

"He's making friends it's a good thing. I was getting worried." Namur said joining in with the group. Luffy said something to the two boys who seemed to panic making them grab him and pull him into their room. Marco raised his eyebrows, he thought his threat to them would be enough.

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