Chapter 33: Brotherly Reunion

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Marco had brought Luffy and Ace down to the infirmary as soon as possible for the doctor to look over them. As soon as Doctor Myrah saw the boys she scooted Marco and Thatch out of the room so she could do her work without distractions. She checked Ace over quickly cleaning and wrapping his injured hand only to watch as the bandage caught flame. She glared at the hand annoyed then looked up at Ace who just shrugged and grinned widely his dark eyes dancing in the light.

"Can't help that." He said smirking though he dropped that smile with her stern look.

"Make another one go up in flames and you won't like what I do to you young man." She said in a motherly but strict tone that caught Ace off guard.

"Yes Doctor." He said looking away from her with a blush as she re-wrapped his bandaged hand.

"Like your brother you have a cracked rib..." She said examining him closer.

"Must a been when the guy threw me down..." He remembered how he hit the deck rather harshly and the pain he felt all over from the injury.

"You'll need rest, but rest assured you'll be back up and moving again soon." She said smiling at him leading him over to a bed beside Sabo who was happy to see at least one of his brothers.

"Where's Luffy?" Sabo asked worried for his younger brother.

"Surgery, his backs pretty messed up." Ace replied sadly the guilt still there that Luffy was in this state because of him.

"What happened to his back?" Sabo who hadn't been on the ship didn't know the extent of his injuries.

"From the looks of things he was whipped and beaten..." Ace whispered softly while Sabo's lips thinned out in a tight line.

"He'll be alright through right?" He asked Ace who didn't say anything.

"He will be he just needs a lot of rest." The doctor came in carrying Luffy in her arms. Luffy was fast asleep his body wrapped in many bandages and a light robe wrapped around him to keep him warm.

Ace got up quickly and opened the blankets for Luffy to be put into.

"He needs to sleep on his side or stomach since his back will be very sore." She said to the boys knowing they would take care of the kid.

"Mn." Sabo nodded his head in understanding.

"I need to go report to pops will you boys be alright here on your own?" She asked them seriously while considering getting a nurse to look after them for a while.

"We'll be fine; we're more than enough for our brother." Sabo said grinning at Ace who smiled back.

"Alright but if you need anything please ask!" She said waving to them and heading out to talk with the others.

When she opened the door she couldn't help the sigh as the hall ways was filled with many of the siblings Marco, Thatch and pops included. It was still raining outside so she would get the chance to speak to everyone indoors.

"They're alright." She said after they all moved somewhere more appropriate to talk.

"Luffy?" One man called out amongst the siblings gathered.

"His back is very sore he was whipped repeatedly by the looks of it." She started and waited a moment for everyone to settle down again.

"He was beaten a lot as well from the injuries he has, Ace as well was beaten pretty badly by the looks of things. Ace has a deep wound on his hand but it shall heal nicely, he may have a small scar but nothing too permanent will remain from this." She said to the men, everyone had heard about Sabo and his injuries which caused them to act even more ferociously during the battle now they wished they had caused more damage to those men.

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