Chapter 25: Shanks, Bandits and Seakings

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Chapter 25: Shanks, Bandits and Sea Kings

"Shanks's coming! Shanks's coming! Shanks's coming!" Luffy shouted while running around the Moby Dick in pure happiness, Marco felt a head ach coming on but smiled any ways for the kid.

"Yes I'm afraid he is-yoi." He sighed while Luffy cheered some more at this information.

"Who's Shanks?" Ace asked Marco who looked down at the kid a shadow covering his face.

"The most annoying man you will ever meet in your life." He said seriously Ace took a step back and gave Marco a weird look.

"H-how so?" Sabo asked from beside Ace looking at Marco weirdly.

"Just picture a grown, drunk Luffy with red hair and you have the man known as Shanks-yoi." He sighed while Ace and Sabo's eyes widened in horror.

"Then why is he coming here?!" Sabo exclaimed not that excited to see that version on his little brother.

"Because he is one of the four emperors just like pops, he's also Luffy's idol unfortunately." Thach said joining the conversation and Marco sighed once again.

"Of all the people Luffy could look up to Shanks would be it. Seriously why didn't he ever look up to me that way? I've known him longer-yoi." Marco said annoyed at the man already Thatch laughed and patted Marco on the shoulder.

"You're his brother and Shanks is someone outside of the family, someone he can watch from a distance. He does look up to you Marco he just does it in a different way, that's all." Marco gave Thatch a grateful smile while the two boys looked confused at the grown men.

"How long till he gets here then?" Sabo asked still afraid of the description of the man but excited to meet another that had the same title as his pops.

"Soon enough-yoi." Marco said before he headed off to chase after the hyper child.

Luffy was excited; he hadn't seen Shanks is almost 2 years! He couldn't wait to show him how much he had grown since he first got his hat. He had worked really hard on controlling his gomu powers but his aim was still a struggle for him.

He really was trying it was just so hard! He was taught to imagine the exact spot he wanted to hit and he did but he always missed it a little bit. He wanted to be stronger first then aim but Izou kept scolding him saying strength was nothing if he couldn't hit his target. He didn't understand so he just did what he always did and hoped for the best.

"Ne Luffy, what's Shanks really like?" Ace asked Luffy who brightened at the thought of the man.

"He's so cool! He's super strong and can do anything! He likes to party a lot and I got my gomu gomu no mi from him." Luffy's grin was almost splitting his face.

"He's really strong?" Sabo asked him and Luffy nodded his head quickly

"Mn! Thatch said that he was as strong as pops!" He shouted and Sabo covered his ears quickly from the noise.

"Calm down Luffy you're hurting my ears!" He exclaimed at the kid in annoyance who only laughed.

"Shishishi sorry." He smiled not sounding sorry at all before running off to see the old man.

"Pops! When is Shanks coming?!" He shouted up at the old man who just laughed at the kid knowing he would be this excited.

"Soon enough my son, we are planning on meeting on the closest island." He smiled down at the kid who was now climbing his leg to sit on his lap.

"He's not coming here?!" Luffy began to pout.

"No, it's safer to meet at an island under my protection. Think of it this way little one, you get to have an adventure and see Shanks all in the same day." He knew that would catch the kid's attention.

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