Chapter 9: Luffy's First SnowmanI Mean Snow Crew

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The Beginnings of a Future Pirate King
Chapter 9: Luffy's First SnowmanI Mean Snow Crew

"Thatchy! Thatch! Thattttccchhhhyyyyy!"

"What brat!?" It was early in the morning and the cooks hadn't yet started breakfast so Thatch saw no plausible reason to be woken up.

"The sun's out!" Luffy said excitedly jumping around the older man's bed.

"Then go wake up Marco, I'm still sleeping..." He mumbled trying to close his eyes from the light coming through his now open door.

"I tried but he said to go bug you!" Luffy said stomping his foot in irritation Thatch groaned making plans for pineapple chicken to be on the menu at dinner time. He realized now that it was quite cold in his room making him pull his blanket up and tighter.

"Come play Thatchy!" Luffy said trying to pull off his blankets making the straw hat fall on the ground. Luffy panicked when it fell making the man open his eyes to realize Luffy was only in his underwear and a tank top shirt in this cold room.

"Play later, aren't you cold bud?" Thatch said with one eye open, he hated the fact he was starting to wake up.

"Hmmm... I'm cold!" He shouted suddenly wrapping his arms around himself after putting his straw hat back on his head. Thatch Laughed softly and opened the blankets for the kid to climb into. Once in Luffy snuggled up to Thatch and chattered about everything before falling promptly asleep himself making the man smile, the kid was never boring that he could say.

"Oi, you guys getting up any time soon-yoi?" Marco asked standing inside of Thatch's room looking at the pair all wrapped up in their blanket."Do we have-ta?" Thatch wined hugging Luffy tighter the kid was a heater he needed to have the kid sleep over more often!

"You'll miss breakfast." Marco said knowing the effect it would have.

"Don't eat all the meat!" Luffy shouted waking up immediately while throwing his hands in the air punching Thatch In the chin while making Marco smile in amusement.

"We are so having pineapple chicken for dinner tonight." Thatch said in annoyance as his heater jumped into Marco's arms.

"Let's get you dressed brat it's cold outside." Marco said to the smiling and drooling child.

"Chicken..." He muttered before realizing Marco had said something "Cold? I was cold earlier! Why's it cold?" He chattered to the man who was looking towards Thatch.

"He still has some clothes in here right? I don't plan to bring him out in what he's wearing now-yoi."Marco said to Thatch who was rubbing his chin."Yeah, yeah in the top drawer." He pointed out getting a nod from Marco as he searched for suitable clothing for the 6 year old.

"It's cold out because we're nearing a winter island-yoi."Marco could literally see the sparkles in the kid's eyes.

"Amazing!" He shouted while lifting his arms for Marco to pull the shirt over him.

"Does that mean snow?" Thatch asked putting on his own clothing Marco just smiled.

"Well let's got get breakfast-yoi." He said making the now fully clothed and straw hatted child jump back into his arms.

Opening the door Luffy's eyes widened at the white snow that covered the deck. He wanted to touch it but Marco held a firm grip on the kid.

"After we eat you can play all you want-yoi." He said smiling at the kid knowing that no matter what his stomach would win out every time.

"Mn." He said Thatch laughed at him.

When they got to the galley the commanders listened to Luffy talk about how excited he was for the snow all while shoveling down enough food to feed a grown man. Once he finished he grabbed Thatch's hand and dragged him outside to play with him.

Thatch loved snow for as long as he could remember he's loved it for its beauty and playfulness. He started to roll the snow into balls confusing Luffy.

"What-cha doin' Thatchy?" Luffy tilted his head in question.

"I'm about to teach you the mastery of making snowmen!" Thatch grinned while still rolling his ball.

"Snow man?! So cool!" Luffy shouted the stars returning to his eyes. He helped build that snowman with Thatch making the snow man look like Thatch himself.

Luffy deciding he needed more snowmen so the Thatch snowman wouldn't be lonely he ran back into the galley only to return with Jozu and Marco in toe. He made them help build snowmen with him. When Jozu tried to back out Luffy gave him the puppy eyes, he was finished from there. Before anyone really knew it the commanders were out making snowmen with Luffy while pop's sat on his throne watching his children having fun. That was until Marco threw the first snow ball.

Looking at the commander he hit with a lazy grin he ducked as one was sent his way in return. Suddenly a ginormous snow ball fight had broken out among the crew. Whitebeard even stepped in to play with everyone under the conditions that when his nurses said enough it would be. Luffy was shorter than everyone else making it both hard and easy to throw at the same time. Pop's finding Luffy picked the kid up putting him on his shoulders and passing snow balls up to him to throw.

Everyone was laughing by dinner time when they were all called in for food and cups of hot chocolate. Though most of the crew had a bit of alcohol in their drinks Luffy loved the taste of his with milk. After dinner Luffy went out to play once more his jacket and snow pants covered new pants and a sweater to keep him warmer as the temperature dropped.

When Marco and Thatch went to check on him though knowing he was safe pops was out there. They found him asleep in the middle of making his 13th snow angel. They smiled and picked him up bringing him to his room for the night. Thatch let Marco finish putting the kid to bed, it was only fair, he woke up with the kid so Marco could get the good nights.

Placing a kiss on Luffy's forehead he whispered good night and placed the straw hat on the desk before closing the door. He walked over and wished his father good night as he himself headed for bed. Who knew a 6 year old could make the snow sparkle brighter than ever.

Hey I'm back..sorta...I've been super tired lately and writing when tired is hard. I've got a lot of assignments due this week and certificate training this weekend. School is trying to kill me I swear it! I love snow and hate it at the exact same time( Canadian! Where is snows so often we're know for it!). I wanted Luffy to experience a new island but I don't think his protective brothers are ready for him just yet to go exploring , but that's coming up! I've got plans ahead for what's to come so don't give up on me now everyone! I just want to thank all of you who fav, alert and even review to this story! I plan to write as often as I can :) If you like this chapter please leave me a review :D Thanks again everyone! xxxDR

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